2017年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)04-0001-08


摘要: 轨道交通建设发展是破解交通拥堵、交通污染、绿色出行环境差和停车难等城市病的有效途 径。在轨道交通大发展机遇期,有必要探讨如何科学规划城市轨道交通系统,促进城市集约发展和 改善城市交通状况。研究总结城市交通的内涵,即城市形成和发展中的内在要素,提出城市交通应 服务于人的需求、组织城市高效可持续运行。从车辆技术成熟度与国产化水平、轨道交通制式多样 化、轨道交通规划建设规模与城市形态和发展阶段的适配性、认证和标准体系、交通功能与城市功 能融合的一体化土地开发、多模式公共交通衔接换乘等角度出发,梳理发展现况并归纳问题及症 结。重点针对结合市情的轨道交通基础性问题,就科学规划城市和都市圈的轨道交通系统提出指导 思想和具体建议。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;城市发展;都市圈;公共交通优先发展

中图分类号: U491


Urban Development and Rail Transit Construction

Wang Guangtao
(The China Science Center of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100107, China)

Abstract: The development of rail transit presents an effective solution to the urban problems such as traffic congestion, traffic pollution, adverse environment for green travel and parking problem. Confronted with the great rail transit development opportunities, it is necessary to discuss how to effectively plan urban rail transit system, boost urban intensive development and improve urban transportation conditions. By summarizing the intention of urban transportation development, this paper points out that urban transportation should meet the need of people, and enable effective and sustainable operations. The paper reviews the existing development problems in several aspects: maturity of vehicle technology and level of domestic production, diversification in rail transit services, the coordination between the rail transit planning and urban development level, certifying and standardization systems, land development that integrates transportation service with urban function, and connection and transfer of multi-modal public transit, and etc. Focusing on the basic research of urban rail transit in different types of cities, the paper provides suggestions on the scientific planning of rail transit systems in cities and metropolitan areas.

Keywords: urban rail transit; urban development; metropolitan area; prioritizing public transportation development