2017年 第5期
基于车载OBD 数据的小汽车出行特征分析 ——以北京市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)05-0070-08

郭继孚1, 2,孙建平1, 2,温慧敏2,赵祥2,雷方舒2
(1.北京交通大学,北京100044;2.北京交通发展研究院,城市交通运行仿真与决策支持北京市重点实验室,城 市交通北京市国际科技合作基地,北京100073)

摘要: 小汽车出行特征是城市道路网运行的重要影响因素之一。采集小汽车出行数据并深入分析其 出行行为特征,是引导小汽车出行方式转变、降低机动车使用强度的重要条件,能够为交通精细化 管理和政策制定提供支持。基于车载OBD可采集到的小汽车出行数据和轨迹数据,提出小汽车出 行特征分析方法,得到出车率、出行次数、出行距离等量化指标,分析不同阶段、不同区域、不同 政策下的出行指标变化特征。利用大数据分析方法对出行规律深层挖掘,进一步获得用户画像、路 网非直线系数等交通特征。分析结果表明,车载OBD数据能够较好地反映小汽车出行行为特征, 并对交通需求管理政策的实施效果做出定量评价。

关键词: 交通管理;小汽车出行;出行特征;OBD数据;用户画像;出行轨迹

中图分类号: U491


Characteristics of Travel by Car Based on OBD Data: A Case Study in Beijing

Guo Jifu1, 2, Sun Jianping1, 2,Wen Huimin2, Zhao Xiang2, Lei Fangshu2
(1.Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2.Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Traffic Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Urban Traffic, Beijing 100073, China)

Abstract: The characteristics of travel by car significantly affect the operation of urban roadway network. Analyzing the characteristics of travel by car with the collected data is critical for developing the strategies that aim to change car travel behavior and reduce the usage of motor vehicles. It can also provide support for adequate traffic management and the policy making. Based on the cars’ travel and routing information collected by on vehicle-borne (OBD), this paper proposes a methodology for the car travel characteristics analysis. The paper discusses several indicators such as car usage rate, travel frequency and distance, as well as the characteristics of changes in travel indicators in different time, at different regions and under different policies. By exploring travel characteristics thoroughly using big data, the paper further obtains the user profile and nonlinear coefficient of roadway network. The result shows that the OBD data can effectively reflect the characteristics of car travel and can quantitatively assess the performance of travel demand management policies.

Keywords: traffic management; car travel; travel characteristics; OBD data; user profile; travel routing