2017年 第6期
交通系统的空间组织思维 ——改进城市轨道交通线网规划方法的思考

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0001-05


摘要: 交通系统布局以空间布局以及内在的空间组织为基础,空间组织思维始终是交通系统规划布 局的核心。中国超大城市、特大城市乃至大城市交通系统的建设重点已逐步转移至城市轨道交通系 统。然而,在重视轨道交通自身网络化布局、以轨道交通为骨架的交通系统一体化发展的同时,存 在着机械式、偏重形态化的轨道交通网络布局思维,忽视、弱化了轨道交通布局对空间组织效能的 提升作用。通过揭示现实存在的轨道交通线网与空间组织脱节的问题,基于交通与空间协同,提出 城市轨道交通线网规划中应把握的空间组织思维方法及要点。

关键词: 交通系统;轨道交通线网;空间组织;空间效能;交通与空间协同;交通组织模式

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Spatial Distribution of Transportation System: Thoughts on Improving Urban Rail Transit Network Planning

Quan Bo,Wu Sufeng
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Based on urban spatial layout and spatial organization of transportation system, the way of thinking on spatial organization should always be the key to the planning layout of transportation system. The construction focus of transportation system has been gradually shifted to urban rail transit in big cities and even megacities in China. We have valued the network layout of rail transit and developed the integrated transportation system with the rail transit as its backbone. However, problems arise from the mechanical and form-focused thinking on rail transit network layout, and those ossified thoughts ignore the improving effect of rail transit layout on urban spatial organization. Based on the coordination of transportation and urban spatial, this paper proposes the spatial organization methodologies and key points in urban rail transit network planning while reveals the disconnection of the existing rail transit network from urban spatial organization.

Keywords: transportation system; rail transit network; spatial distribution; spatial performance; coordination of transportation and space; organizational mode of transportation