2017年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0028-06

程子烨1, 3,曹勇2,王治3
(1.同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,上海200082;2.昆明轨道交通集团有限公司,云南昆明650011;3.昆明市规 划设计研究院,云南昆明650041)

摘要: 城市不断发展,交通环境却每况愈下。通过对现有多种交通组织方式和用地开发模式进行梳 理,寻找标本兼治缓解交通拥堵的模式,即单向二分路综合开发模式。该模式的特点有:道路系统 为小地块、密路网、结合单向二分路模式;开发模式采用TOD模式结合城市综合体开发;交通流 组织模式为主干路建设BRT系统。结合实际案例对比不同容积率和商住比情况下该模式道路承载力 大小;模拟主干路在该模式与传统模式下通行能力优劣;对该模式与传统模式道路主要指标差异进 行比较。通过与传统路网进行比较,显示出这一模式的优越性。

关键词: 城市交通;单向二分路;路网密度;城市综合体;TOD;BRT

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Comprehensive Development Based on One-Way Couplet

Cheng Ziye1, 3, Cao Yong2,Wang Zhi3
(1.College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200082, China; 2.Kunming Rail Transit Group Co. Ltd., Kunming Yunnan 650011, China; 3.Kunming Urban Planning & Design Institute, Kunming Yunnan 650041, China)

Abstract: As the cities are experiencing expansion, they have been suffering an even worse traffic congestion. Through a review on a variety of existing types of transportation organizations and land development modes, this paper makes an attempt to use one-way couplet mode for easing traffic congestion. A couple of characteristics of such the mode are highlighted as follows: 1) the roadway network is patched, dense, and featuring in one- way binary network; 2) the development pattern is more suitable to implementation of TOD with HOPSCA; and 3) BRT system is highly recommended in arterial roadways. The case study is adopted to compare network capacity of the traditional mode and the new mode in case of different plot ratios and commercial-residential rate. The traffic capacity of arterial roadways in the traditional mode and the new mode are simulated. The difference of roadway indices between the two modes are compared. The results show that the new mode shows superiority over the traditional mode.

Keywords: urban transportation; one-way couplet; roadway network density; urban complexes; transit-oriented development; bus rapid transit