2017年 第6期
打车软件对出租汽车运营的影响 ——以深圳市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0073-07

(1.北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院,广东深圳518055;2.云南省发展和改革委员会,云南昆明 650051)

摘要: 为验证“互联网+出租汽车”模式的有效性和网约车时代出租汽车运营规制的重要性,定量 研究基于移动互联网技术的打车软件对出租汽车运营的影响。以深圳市为研究区域,选取打车软件 广泛使用前后两个节点日的出租汽车GPS数据,对比两日出租汽车微观运营指标。各指标分析结果 表明,打车软件改善了低人口密度和偏远地区的打车难状况,减少了出租汽车的无效运营,并且总 体提升了驾驶员的接单效率。因此,鼓励出租汽车行业和互联网融合发展是科学合理的。同时,采 用适当的策略规范网约车时代出租汽车的经营服务行为,减少打车软件的负面效应,是促进出租汽 车行业健康发展的必要途径。

关键词: 出租汽车;运营;打车软件;GPS数据;深圳市

中图分类号: U491


Impacts of Car Hailing Apps on Taxi Operation: A Case Study of Shenzhen

Xu Yuan1, JuWeiqi2, Yang Jiawen1, Dong Meixuan1
(1.School of Urban Planning and Design, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518055, China; 2.Yunnan Development and Reform Commission, Kunming Yunnan 650051, China)

Abstract: To examine the effectiveness of Internet-based taxi service and the importance of taxi operational regulation, this paper studies the quantitative impacts of internet technology on taxi operations. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the paper compares the selected operational indicators at two typical days before and after car hailing Apps widely used. The results show that taxi booking apps improve the accessibility of taxis service for those users who live in low-density suburban. Meanwhile, it decreases empty-load rate and improves service effectiveness. These evidences describe the merits of Internet- based taxi service which are able to better support policy innovation. To promote the sustainable development of taxi industry, the paper points out that it is necessary to regulate taxi operations with proper policies and reduce negative influences of car hailing Apps.

Keywords: taxi; operation; car hailing Apps; GPS data; Shenzhen