2017年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2017)06-0080-05


摘要: 城市轨道交通换乘站有别于普通车站,其影响因素众多,应重点考虑换乘客流对车站设计方 案的影响。在运能不匹配的情况下,对同台换乘、节点换乘、通道换乘等多种换乘方式的客流承载 力进行验算,得到不同换乘方式承担大换乘客流的风险能力。当运能不匹配的轨道交通线路间换乘 时,首先应选择合理的换乘节点,尽量采用多点换乘,避免大换乘客流集中产生风险,其次应适当 增加换乘车站规模。当换乘站位于大断面区段存在较大客流风险时,应慎重选择同台换乘方式,可 考虑通道换乘;当换乘站位于客流小断面区段存在较小的客流风险时,可优先选择换乘便捷的同台 换乘或者节点换乘。总之,运能不匹配的换乘站应依据不同的客流特征选择合理的换乘方式,在满 足换乘能力的前提下,优先选择换乘便捷、服务水平高的换乘方式。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;运能不匹配;同台换乘;节点换乘;通道换乘

中图分类号: U491


Transfer Schemes of Urban Rail Transit System with Capacity Mismatch Problem

Wu Yang1, Feng Lin2
(1.Hunan Urban Construction College, Xiangtan Hunan 411011, China; 2.Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Urban rail transfer stations are different from other types of stations as it is influenced by a variety of factors, especially transfer passengers. Aiming at mismatching capacity, this paper discusses the risk factors when encountering with the maximum transfer flow at three types of transfer stations, namely, platform transfer, node transfer, and channel transfer. The results show that a multi-point transfer method and increase of station transfer capacity are two general strategies to contend with capacity mismatch problem which is able to reduce the risks caused by huge volume of transfer flows in a short run. Furthermore, the paper also proposes some detailed schemes, as follows: channel transfer is preferred in case that the transfer station is located in a high passenger flow risk; platform transfer and node transfer are recommended when the transfer station is located in a small flow section with low passenger flow risk. Generally, the choice of transfer station should be based on the characteristics of passenger flow and a convenient transfer mode with high level of service is always expected.

Keywords: urban rail transit; capacity mismatch; platform transfer; node transfer; channel transfer