2018年 第1期
3D 原则在TOD 模式推广中的失效与进阶 ——对广州市地铁1 号线沿线开发的反思

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)01-0047-07


摘要: 广州市是中国最早推行TOD地铁+物业概念的城市。从1988 年提出广州市地铁1 号线规划方 案到其沿线地铁+物业实施近30 年的历程发现,美国基于白地设定的理想TOD的3D原则在运用于 中国城市老城中心区时,往往面临实施失效的困境。尤其是高密度带来了城市公共空间的缺失,老 城区商业商务混合导致城市文化特质的表现不够,设计的创新也因缺乏机制保障而举步维艰。研究 提出,中国在城市建成区开发建设轨道交通车站应更加注重与区域特征相结合的特色功能发展,推 行适合中国城市中心区高密度+公共空间、混合利用+特色空间、良好设计+运行制度的开发建设策略。

关键词: 轨道交通规划;TOD;综合开发;3D+原则;广州市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Failure and Improvement of 3D Principle in Transit-Oriented Development in China: Retrospection on Development along Subway Line 1 in Guangzhou

He Donghua
(Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Survey Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510060, China)

Abstract: Guangzhou is the pioneering city in promoting“TOD (Transit Oriented Development) subway+ commercial property”concept in China. Over the past 30 years, from the proposing of planning scheme for subway line 1 of Guangzhou in 1988 to the development of“subway + commercial property”along it, we find out that America's ideal 3D principle of TOD based on undeveloped land usually fails to be applicable to the old downtown area in China's cities, where high density brings about lack of public space, mixed commercial and business offices in the old town areas dilutes cultural distinctiveness, and design innovation not easy to be materialized due to the lack of guarantee mechanism. This paper indicates that when constructing rail transit stations in urban built-up areas in China, priority should be given to the development of distinctive functions incorporated with regional characteristics. Moreover, it is advised to take such a strategy featuring high density plus public space, mixed utilization plus characteristic space, and innovative design plus operational mechanism.

Keywords: rail transit planning; TOD; integrated development; 3D+ principles; Guangzhou