2018年 第2期
干线铁路沿线规划控制技术要求 ——以北京市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)02-0043-08


摘要: 为实现干线铁路与沿线城市区域的协调发展,以北京市为例,分析干线铁路沿线规划的实施 情况及面临的挑战,提出规划控制的原则与思路。综合国内外相关标准规范,提取干线铁路沿线规 划控制应考虑的安全、噪声、振动、绿化、核磁辐射等因素及规划控制的指标要求。在此基础上, 统筹铁路与城市发展需求,提出由干线铁路沿线隔离带和规划控制区,以及起始线、防护线和规划 控制线组成的“两区三线”规划控制方法。阐述干线铁路沿线空间功能划分、城市分区、控制指标 以及规划控制技术要求。最后,分析在规划控制方法影响下的用地敏感性并提出实施对策建议。

关键词: 交通规划;干线铁路;规划控制;隔离带;规划控制区;规划实施

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Techniques of Planning Control along Arterial Railways: A Case Study in Beijing

Zhou Sien, Kou Chunge, Ru Xianghui, Zheng Meng
(Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: In order to promote the coordinated development of arterial railways and land use along railways, this paper analyzes the implementation and challenges of planning along arterial railways in Beijing and proposes the principles and method of planning control. Based on related standards and specifications both domestic and abroad, the paper identifies the factors influencing planning control along arterial railways, such as safety, noise, vibration, greening, and nuclear magnetic radiation, as well as corresponding indicators. Aiming at both the development needs of railway and cities, the paper proposes the planning control techniques of “Two Areas and Three Lines”, that is, isolation belts and planning control areas along arterial railways, the starting line, the protection line, and the planning control line. The functional layout along arterial railways, city zoning, control indicators, and technical requirements of planning control are also elaborated. Finally, the paper discusses the sensitivity of land use under the influence of the planning control method, and proposes corresponding countermeasures.

Keywords: transportation planning; arterial railways; planning control; isolation belt; planning control area; planning implementation