2018年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)03-0001-06


摘要: 针对以车速为标准对城市交通拥堵进行排序和对新型城镇化提出的路网密度要求存在认识误 区的现象进行论述,指出有必要明确车速是路网容量和车流规模相互关系的反映,不能脱离路网饱 和度和不同城市交通特性差异片面追求速度指标。结合上海市第三次、第五次交通调查成果,回顾 上海10 年间的路网发展和车流增长过程,提出路网容量与车流规模的增长过程要互动契合。借鉴 国际先进城市经验,确定合理的速度目标,在路网达到一定规模之后,不应再无休止增加路网,高 密度路网不能解决交通拥堵问题,路网规模有增长极限。

关键词: 路网容量;路网密度;交通拥堵;上海市

中图分类号: U491


Roadway Network Capacity and Motorized Traffic Volume

Lu Ximing1, JiangWenping2
(1.Advanced institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Shanghai Urban- Rural Construction and Transportation Development Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: Vehicle operating speed is considered as an only indicator to show the level of traffic congestion and further to estimate the roadway network density in many cities in China. However, such discussion is under debating as operating speed is closely connected with roadway network capacity and motorized traffic volume, therefore, operating speed index can't be approached without consideration of road network saturation and traffic patterns of different cities. Based on the results of the third and the fourth travel survey in Shanghai, this paper reviews the expansion of roadway network and the evolution process of traffic flow growth in Shanghai. The paper stresses the interaction of roadway network capacity and traffic flow growth. Learning lessons from international experiences, reasonable traffic operating speed should be targeted for different cities. Since high-density roadway network can't solve the issue of traffic congestion, the road infrastructures construction should be carefully terminated when reaching the limit.

Keywords: roadway network capacity; roadway network density; traffic congestion; Shanghai