2018年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)03-0070-06


摘要: 职住平衡一直以来被认为是提高城市空间组织效率、降低交通拥堵的重要理念和手段。从分 析职住平衡的内涵出发,指出其在实际应用中的局限性。从现代城市发展历程和国内外城市实例的 比较中,总结城市通勤出行发展演化的基本规律。利用当斯定律对其进行解释,推演通勤空间布局 与城市功能布局之间的相互影响关系。最后,为了提高职住平衡理论的实践效果,提出在城市规划 和交通规划中应注重的几个要点。

关键词: 城市交通规划;职住平衡;当斯定律;通勤距离;通勤时耗;城市空间布局

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Rethinking on Job-Housing Balance Theory in Urban Transportation Planning

Zhou Le
(China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: Maintaining job- housing balance has been always regarding as an important tool to achieve a higher operational efficiency at the urban spatial scale as well as to mitigate traffic congestion. This paper discusses the concept of job-housing balance theory and its practice limitations. Through comparing several domestic and international cases of urban development, the paper summarizes the development trend of urban commuting travel. Downs' paradox is applied to explain the mutual relationship between urban spatial patterns and commuting characteristics. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on how to improve the application effects of job-housing balance theory in urban and transportation planning.

Keywords: urban transportation planning; job-housing balance; Downs' Law; commuting distance; commuting time; urban spatial layout