2018年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)04-0015-11


摘要: 高速铁路极大促进了沿线城镇的人口和经济联系,为区域城镇关系重塑提供了重要机遇。回 顾高速铁路对交通网络可达性的影响、对网络中流动的人口与经济要素的影响、对相应地域的影响 三方面的既往研究。发现研究内容仅限于可达性、连通度的宽泛描述,研究中不同程度地存在以规 划代替实证、学科交叉不显著的问题。提出在未来研究中应注重:1)从点、线为主的分析模式向以 面为主的分析模式转换,探索高铁对区域整体产生影响的机制与规律;2)注重定性与定量方法结 合,加强对高铁使用主体“人”的关注,从旅客调研上寻求问题解决方案;3)纠正描述偏向,强化 学科交叉及基于已有数据的实证。

关键词: 交通地理学;高速铁路;文献综述;城市区域

中图分类号: U491


Impact of High-Speed Railway on Urban and Regional Development: A Literature Review

Zou You, Zhou Jie
(School of Urban Design,Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430072, China)

Abstract: High-speed railway greatly promotes the connection between the population and economy in urban areas along railway lines and provides important opportunities for re-shaping the relationship among the regional urban areas. This paper reviews the existing research on the impact of high-speed railway on accessibility of transportation network, population mobility and economy as well as the overall affected regions. The paper finds out that these studies are limited to a very general description about accessibility and connectivity; problematic in using the planning as the fact in many cases and lack of interdisciplinary research. The paper proposes that the future research should focus on: 1) transiting from the point-and-linebased analysis model to the surface-based analysis to better explore the impact of high-speed railway on the whole region; 2) addressing the importance of combining the qualitative and quantitative methods, strengthening the users first principle and developing solutions through tourist survey; 3) correcting the bias caused by the general qualitative research, strengthening the interdisciplinary and using the existing data as the facts.

Keywords: transportation geography; high-speed railway; literature review; urban region