2018年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)05-0001-07

张晓春1,邵源1,孙超1, 2
(1.深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司,深圳市交通信息与交通工程重点实验室,广东深圳518021;2. 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海201804)

摘要: 系统梳理未来城市和交通发展趋势,总结提炼未来城市与交通的四大核心特征。以精明治理 和精细服务为核心导向,聚焦未来智慧交通四大体系建设,提出全息感知城市、在线推演城市、精 明管控城市和全程服务城市(简称“4C”)的新一代智慧交通整体构思。前瞻性地探索利用未来科技 推动城市治理服务转型的路径。通过建立基于空间单元大数据的全息感知系统、复杂环境下交通情 景再现与预判的在线推演系统、交通“规划–设计–运营–管理”的精明管控系统、综合性–个性 化的全链条智慧出行服务系统,实现可感知、可运营、可管控的城市愿景,以此推动未来城市的精 明增长和市民的智慧出行。

关键词: 智慧交通;智慧城市;大数据;感知体系;在线仿真;决策支持

中图分类号: U491


Smart Mobility over the Future City

Zhang Xiaochun1, Shao Yuan1, Sun Chao1, 2
(1.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Traffic Information and Traffic Engineering, Shenzhen Guangdong 518021, China; 2.The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract: Standing on the evolution trends of future city and mobility, this paper summaries the four core features of future city and mobility. With smart governance- and sophisticated services- oriented, an integrated solution to smart mobility for next generation city, including ubiquitous perception city, real-time deduction city, smart managing city and all-aspect serving city (“4C” for short), are proposed to better establish smart mobility in the future. The paper tries to explore a smart path using frontier technology such as ubiquitous perception system based on spatial big data, online evolution system under complicated transportation environment, smart management and control system with “planning-design-operation-management” to promote the transition of city governance services, achieve the vision of a perceptible, operational, manageable city, promote smart growth of future city and citizens' smart travel, and provide certain experience for smart cities in the future.

Keywords: smart mobility; smart city; big data; perception system; online simulation; decision- making support