2018年 第5期
城市轨道交通车站接驳设施配置策略 ——以北京市轨道交通6 号线为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)05-0043-08


摘要: 轨道交通接驳设施配置的合理与否直接影响着轨道交通的运行效率和服务水平。为了指导轨 道交通车站周边交通接驳设施的配置,利用聚类法划分轨道交通车站类型:考虑车站客流吸引范围 内的用地性质及客流特点等因素,将车站按用地性质分为居住型、商业型、均衡型、大型公共建筑 型和枢纽型车站;考虑到周边开发强度、轨道交通线网密度及车站所在区位特点等因素,将车站按 区域特性分为市区站、郊区中间站和郊区末端站。以北京轨道交通6 号线为例进行了车站分类的应 用及验证。针对每种类型车站的特点,考虑各类出行方式的交通特征和需求,研究制定了交通接驳 设施的配置策略,并对各类交通接驳设施给出了配置标准、要求。

关键词: 轨道交通;公共汽车线网;接驳换乘;设施配置;北京市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Strategies for Accessing Facilities at Different Types of Rail Transit Station: A Case Study of Subway Line 6 in Beijing

Zhao Qiang, Zhao Yan
(Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, Beijing 100082, China)

Abstract: The allocation of rail transit facilities directly affects the operational efficiency and level of service of rail transit. To improve accessing facilities around rail transit station, this paper adopts classifies rail transit stations using clustering method. In detailed, according to the land use and passenger flow characteristics within the catchup zones, stations are divided into residential stations, commercial stations, equilibrium stations and public facility stations/terminals. Based on development intensity, the density of the rail transit network and location of the station, stations are divided into urban stations, suburban stations and the terminal stations of the suburb. Taking Beijing Subway Line 6 as an example, the stations along Line 6 are classified. On account of the characteristics of each type of station, characteristics and demand of different travel modes, the paper proposes strategies for accessing facilities and the standards and requirements of different types of accessing facilities.

Keywords: rail transit; bus network; transfer; facilities layout; Beijing