2018年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)05-0051-08


摘要: 各城市轨道交通均存在车站客流高峰时段与城市交通高峰时段不完全重叠的现象。而车站设 计时均以预测的城市交通高峰时段客流值为依据,导致部分车站规模设计过小。通过对西安市63 座城市轨道交通车站的客流高峰时段与城市交通高峰时段的偏差进行分析,运用K-means 算法对其 进行分类。根据各类型车站周边用地性质特征,得出每一类车站的高峰偏差时间建议取值以及车站 高峰客流的扩大系数。结果表明,当通勤出行用地与其他出行用地比值不小于0.5 时,车站客流高 峰时段基本无偏差;当比值小于0.5 或为明显的交通枢纽、大型商业区车站时,车站客流高峰时段 将有不同程度的偏差,且高峰时段客流量是此车站在其城市交通高峰客流量的1.1~1.6 倍。

关键词: 交通规划;城市轨道交通;高峰时段客流;偏差分析

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Differentiated Peak Hours at Urban Rail Transit Stations in Xi’an

Chen Kuanmin, Yu Lijie, Ma Chaoqun
(Chang'an University, Xi'an Shaanxi 710064, China)

Abstract: Passenger volume peak hours at rail transit stations somewhat differ from urban transportation peak hours in cities. However, rail transit station design is based on the passenger flow during the predicted urban traffic peak hours, which often results in some stations too small to handle passenger flow. This paper classifies the 63 rail transit stations in Xi'an using K-means method through analyzing the differentiation between passenger flow peak hours at rail transit stations and urban traffic peak hours. Based on the characteristics of surrounding land use of different stations, the paper proposes the recommended value of differentiated peak hours and the expanded coefficient of passenger flow at stations during peak hours. The results show that when the ratio between the land use for commuting and other travels is above 0.5, there is basically no difference in passenger flow peak hours. When the ratio is less than 0.5 or the stations are connected with intercity rail line as well as commercial service-oriented stations, the differentiated passenger flow peak hours exist and the passenger flow at a station during peak hours is 1.1 times to 1.6 times higher than the passenger flow during the urban traffic peak hours.

Keywords: transportation planning; urban rail transit; passenger flow during peak hour; deviation analysis