2018年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)06-0036-07

郑海星1,朱海明1,蒋寅2,陈锋3 ,葛涵4
(1.天津市城市规划设计研究院,天津300201;2.天津市市政工程设计研究总院,天津300201;3.中国地铁工程 咨询有限责任公司,北京100037;4.天津市公安交通管理局,天津300201)

摘要: 客流特征是公共汽(电)车线网规划、运营组织优化的重要依据。为弥补“一票制”IC 卡收费 系统交易数据中乘客上下车站等出行关键信息缺失的不足,利用公共汽(电)车GPS数据与公交IC 卡 数据,提出基于公共交通大数据融合的乘客上下车站推算方法。该方法可有效解决IC 卡收费系统 与GPS系统时钟差、乘客滞后刷卡等问题。选取天津市和深圳市进行应用,从公共汽(电)车线路跟 车调查、客流分布特征等微观、宏观层面对算法进行验证,并探究公共汽(电)车与轨道交通的一体 化衔接关系。结果表明,该方法推算成功比例高、准确性高且通用性强,易于推广。

关键词: 交通规划;大数据;IC 卡数据;公共汽(电)车上下车站;数据融合

中图分类号: U491


Estimating Passengers' on-and-off Volumes at Transit Station

Zheng Haixing1, Zhu Haiming1, Jiang Yin2, Chen Feng3, Ge Han4
(1.Tianjin Urban Planning & Design Institute, Tianjin 300201, China; 2.Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, Tianjin 300201, China; 3.China Metro Engineering Consulting Corporation, Beijing 100037, China; 4. Tianjin Municipal Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, Tianjin 300201, China)

Abstract: The characteristics of passenger flow is an important indication for public transit network planning and operation optimization. To make up the missing passenger volumes data from the IC card readings, this paper proposes a methodology to estimate the passengers' on-and-off volumes at transit station. The method can effectively solve the problem of time difference between IC card charging system and bus GPS system, and the lagging in the IC card swiping. Taking Tianjin and Shenzhen as example, the paper presents the application of the method from macroscopic to microscopic views, such as bus line investigation and passenger flow characteristics. The integration between bus and rail transit is also discussed. The results show the high accuracy and strong applicability of the methodology in estimating passengers' onand- off volumes at transit station.

Keywords: transportation planning; big data; IC card data; on-and-off volume at transit station; data fusion