2018年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)06-0075-08


摘要: 停车受益区政策是在一个确定的城市区域内对停车位征收费用,并将停车收益按一定比例返 还给征收区域用于社区公共服务改善的停车管理政策。首先介绍美国在商业区和居住区实施的停车 受益区案例;然后分析停车受益区的实施要素,包括采用基于停车位占用率目标的弹性费率政策来 提高停车位利用率、在居住区实施停车许可制度将停车收益返还用于本地区公共建设。重点从停车 收费管理、社区治理、收益返还等方面论证停车受益区在中国实施的必要性,并介绍北京市的探索 研究。由于国情不同,停车受益区在停车产权、管理体制、收费和费用支出方面存在制约。建议在 停车位全面市场定价、推动社区治理、明确停车收入使用等方面加强改善,引导中国停车管理公 平、有效、适度的发展,促进城市可持续发展。

关键词: 停车受益区;停车收费;社区自治;停车费用返还

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Parking Benefit District Strategy in the U.S. City

Wang Xueyong, Liu Zhiming, Zhou Yan, Shao Yong
(Tianjin Bohai Urban Planning & Design Institute, Tianjin 300451)

Abstract: Parking Benefit District (PBD) is a parking management strategy through specifying the certain urban area where parking is charged with a certain rate, and the collected revenues are returned to the area in order to promote the development of public infrastructures within the designed area. Based on two cases of PBD in commercial and residential districts respectively in the U.S., this paper discusses the practice elements of PBD, including occupancy- based flexible parking charge rates, and parking permit application policy (referring to the return of the parking revenues to public services). Moreover, with a case study in Beijing, the paper analyzes the advantages of introducing PBD into China in several aspects: parking charge management, community governance, and revenues redistribution. Considering Chinese development background, PBD policy has limitations in terms of property right, management system, and parking charging rate and revenues redistribution. The paper provides suggestions on market pricing, community governance, and parking revenues redistribution, so as to promote the development of parking management with fairness, effectiveness, and moderation, as well as sustainable urban development.

Keywords: parking benefit district; parking charge; community self-government; parking charge return