2018年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2018)06-0090-07


摘要: 公共交通(以下简称“公交”)信号优先控制是降低公交车辆延误、提高公交服务水平,进而 缓解城市交通拥堵的有效手段。中国大部分城市的公交信号优先控制存在以下问题:1)缺乏统一、 标准、易识别的公交专用信号灯,难以区别化控制社会车辆与公交车辆;2)相位设置和配时不够灵 活和精准。因此,有必要对公交信号优先控制的应用水平进行精细化评估并探索其发展方向。首 先,分析影响公交信号优先控制的要素,主要包括公交车辆运行的时距协调、交叉口控制策略集及 约束边界的确定、高精度检测及控制手段的实现。其次,从规划设计、信号控制的宏观和微观层面 提炼了24 项要素,进而将公交信号优先控制划分为6 个等级,并且说明了各个等级的特征、分级依 据和适用条件。最后,指出系统化、精细化和高精度是公交信号优先技术发展的趋势。

关键词: 交通工程;交通管理与控制;公交信号优先控制;信号协调控制

中图分类号: U491


Grades and Characteristics of Transit Signal Priority

Li Keping,Wei Yanning, Tang Keshuang, Chen Can
(College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract: Transit signal priority (TSP) is an effective tool to reduce transit vehicles' delay, to improve level of service, and to ease urban traffic congestion. There are several critical issues in Chinese cities: 1) the absence of unified transit signal set which can control private vehicles and transit vehicles separately; 2) inefficiency of signal timing and phases. It's necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of TSP application at details and search for the development trend. Firstly, this paper analyzes the factors of TSP which would impact on its effectiveness, including the coordination of space-time of transit fleets, the determination of control strategies and boundary constrains, the methodology of high-resolution detection and control. Secondly, the paper summarizes 24 factors at macro and micro levels of planning, design and signal control, and further divides TSP into six grades. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates the characteristics, category rules, and application conditions of each grade. Finally, the paper points out that systematization, refinement, and high precision are the development trend of TSP technology.

Keywords: traffic engineering; transportation management and control; transit signal priority control; coordinated signal control