2019年 第1期
超大城市交通治理关键问题及策略 ——以广东省为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)01-0036-09


摘要: 在国家城市群战略背景下,以区域规划、设施互联互通和现行政策体系为基础,甄别综合交 通发展面临的关键问题,探索治理语境下的发展对策,对于强化区域参与全球竞争的实力均具有重 要意义。以广东省为例,聚焦城市综合交通体系治理面临的挑战和发展机遇。重点围绕跨区域交通 一体化协同治理与数据公开共享机制驱动交通治理两大关键问题展开研究,探讨城市群战略背景下 城市交通治理体系建设的实施路径和应对策略。以制度建设为多元利益协调赋权,以数据治理为交 通治理主体赋能,以点带面,推动超大城市综合交通治理能力现代化建设与提升。

关键词: 超大城市;交通治理;跨区域交通;数据共享;广东省

中图分类号: U491


Key Issues and Strategies of Transportation Improvement in Megacities: A Case Study of Guangdong Province

Zheng Jian, Shao Yuan, An Jian,Wu Xiaofei, Zhang Zhen, Shen Diwen
(Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Transport Information &Transport Engineering, Shenzhen Guangdong 518021, China)

Abstract: Under the country's development strategies for urban clusters, it is critically important to identify key issues facing the integrated transportation development and explore development policies for strengthening the local competitiveness in global settings based on regional planning, infrastructure integration and current policy system. Taking Guangdong Province as an example, this paper presents the challenges and development opportunities facing urban integrated transportation system improvement. With an emphasis on two key issues, namely, the integrated transportation improvement through trans-regional collaboration and promoting transportation improvement by transparent data sharing mechanism, the paper discusses the implementation methods and corresponding policies for the urban transportation improvement under the urban cluster strategies. Finally, the paper states the significance in coordinating the institutions with different interests working together to empower the multiple stakeholders in transportation improvement; discusses how to utilize the power of data for bettering transportation system improvement and how to use a pilot study to promote megacity's comprehensive transportation system improvement.

Keywords: megacity; transportation governance; trans- regional transportation; data sharing; Guangdong Province