2019年 第1期
基于AFC 和POI 数据的轨道交通车站客流影响因素挖掘

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)01-0102-07


摘要: 精细化研究轨道交通车站客流影响因素对于建立轨道交通与土地利用长效互动机制,发挥轨 道交通支撑和引领城市发展作用,指导轨道新线开通和周边用地开发等具有重要意义。以南京为 例,首先获取轨道交通运营客流AFC数据和网络爬取的POI数据;然后考虑四种类型轨道交通车站 客流特征,挖掘用地特征、公共交通接驳特征、车站属性三类因素;最后利用结构方程模型分析城 市轨道交通规划建设与城市用地开发之间的作用机制。实证结果表明,基于POI 获取的住户数、商 业设施数、文化设施数、公共汽车线路数等数据对工作日轨道交通进站客流有突出贡献。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;客流特征;自动售检票系统数据;兴趣点数据;用地特征;南京

中图分类号: U491.1+12


Influence Factors Exploration of Rail Station-Level Ridership Using AFC Data and POI Data

Li Guoqiang1, Yang Min1,Wang Shusheng2
(School of Transportation Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211189, China; Jiangsu Institute of Urban Planning and Design, Nanjing Jiangsu 210036, China)

Abstract: Exploring the influence factors of railway ridership at station level plays an important role in building an interactive mechanism between rail transit and land use. The results could direct the rail transitoriented urban development, and plan new lines and guide the development of land around stations. Using AFC data and POI data in Nanjing, this paper classifies rail stations into four categories that are used to interpreter ridership characteristics in Nanjing. Then, the paper tries to explore the influence factors from those characteristics, including land use, transit connection, and property of rail station. Finally, the paper discusses the interacted mechanism between urban rail transit planning and land development with structural equation model. The results show that the number of households, commercial facility, cultural facility and bus route have a remarkable effect on ridership.

Keywords: urban rail transit; ridership characteristics; AFC data; POI data; land use characteristics; Nanjing