2019年 第2期
宜人街道设计与管控要求编制探索 ——以《昆明城市街道设计导则》为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)02-0034-08

王悦1,姜洋1, 2,杨丽辉3
(1.宇恒可持续交通研究中心,北京100004;2.北京数城未来科技有限公司,北京100004;3.昆明市城市交通研 究所,云南昆明650011)

摘要: 城市街道设计导则对于打造高品质公共空间和促进城市低碳绿色发展具有重要作用。以昆明 市为例,介绍了《昆明城市街道设计导则》(以下简称《导则》)编制时针对本地情况进行的目标定 位思考、体例比选和成果形式的定制。总结了《导则》编制的主要特色:对路权保障和品质提升提 出较高标准;对接实际工作中的现实挑战,提供解决办法;提出“导则+自评表+部门版”应用模 式,方便部门管理。《导则》从条文的侧重点与成果形式的定制化两个方面最大化适应昆明市本地 特征,是城市管理的有效抓手。

关键词: 街道设计;导则编制;以人为本;昆明市

中图分类号: U491.2+2


Livable Street Design and Management Requirements: An Example of Kunming Street Guideline

Wang Yue1, Jiang Yang1, 2, Yang Lihui3
(1.China Sustainable Transportation Center, Beijing 100004, China; 2.Beijing CityDNA Technology Co,. Ltd., Beijing 100004, China; 3.Kunming Urban Transport Institute, Kunming Yunnan 650011, China)

Abstract: Urban street design guidelines play an important role in building high-quality public spaces and promoting urban areas' low carbon and green development. Taking Kunming as an example, this paper introduces the objective-oriented and result-oriented thinking in Kunming Street Guideline development that matches local community characteristics. The paper summarizes the main features of Kunming Street Guideline development, which includes the high standards for the protection of right- of-way and quality improvement, and provides solutions to address challenges in the practice the “guideline + checklist + department version” package to facilitate department management. The technical index and form of deliverables of the Guideline are made to best fits Kunming's specific needs, and aim to better serve city management.

Keywords: street design; guideline; people-orientation; Kunming