2019年 第2期
中国城市交通拥堵成因与对策 ——交通工程、城乡规划和经济学视角的分析

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)02-0090-06

(1.南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,江苏南京210093;2.美国华盛顿大学建成环境学院,华盛顿州西雅图 98195-5740,美国)

摘要: 交通拥堵的诱因复杂、多样,不能仅从技术层面进行分析。站在学科发展角度,从交通工 程、城乡规划、经济学3 个视角,剖析中国城市交通拥堵的成因。提出应以公平与效率的双重目标 为前提,从理论到技术不同层次提出指导方法:1)从学科发展,即战略上,应鼓励多学科共同解释 和治理城市交通;2)从研究视角,即战术上,应注重公平与效率双重维度的分析;3)在具体分析方 法上,构建适合中国城市的面向城市与交通规划建设方案和政策的社会经济收益评价方法。最后指 出:应清醒地认识相关学科理论的不足,谋求不同学科的融合和应对大数据环境下的方法变革,共 同努力从学科层面给予治堵更为科学的理论、方法与技术支持。

关键词: 交通政策;交通拥堵;交通工程;城乡规划;经济学;公平

中图分类号: U491


Cause Analysis and Strategies to Urban Traffic Congestion in China: Analysis from Perspectives of Traffic Engineering, Urban Planning, and Economics

Shi Fei1, Shen Qing2
(1.School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210093, China; 2.College of Built Environments, University ofWashington, SeattleWashington 98195-5740, USA)

Abstract: Multi- factors affect and result in traffic congestion. Analysis from the technical prospective is unable to reveal its essential. As a result, this paper analyzes the main reasons of traffic congestion in Chinese cities from the perspectives of traffic engineering, urban planning, and economic. The paper adopts equity and efficiency as the objective to proposes the strategies both at theoretical and technical level: 1) from the aspect of academic development, encouraging multi-level corporations among different subjects; 2) from the aspect of research, combining multi-dimension analysis on equity and efficiency; 3) from the aspect of analytic methodology, establishing a social and economic profits assessment system. Moreover, due to a lack of sufficient theory support, it's recommended to mine big data for facing challenges.

Keywords: transport policy; traffic congestion; traffic engineering; urban planning; economics; equity