2019年 第2期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)02-0119-08

严海1,靳露宁1,王鹏飞1, 2
(1.北京工业大学交通工程北京市重点实验室,北京100124;2.河北科技师范学院城市建设学院,河北秦皇岛 066004)

摘要: 为探讨主观幸福对出行方式选择的影响,以北京市开车通勤者为研究对象,在对出行行为分 析的基础上,将通勤者的思维过程分为搜索规则和决策规则。在通勤成本变化场景下,采用机器学 习算法定性探索主观幸福的作用阶段。结合相关性分析结果建立结构方程模型,定量分析主观幸福 对出行方式选择行为的作用机理以及主观幸福的测量变量。研究结果表明:主观幸福对开车通勤者 是否改变现有出行方式的决策具有显著影响;主观幸福包括通勤过程满意度(0.73)、场景实施前开 车幸福感(0.66)、通勤成本增加后开车幸福感变化(-0.20)三个因素。将主观幸福纳入通勤出行方式 选择指标体系,从心理层面为交通政策的制定提供新视角。

关键词: 交通规划;出行方式选择;小汽车通勤者;主观幸福;机器学习;结构方程

中图分类号: U491.1+2


The Impact of Subjective Well-Being of Car Commuters on Travel Mode Choice

Yan Hai1, Jin Luning1,Wang Pengfei1, 2
(1.Beijing Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2.College of Urban Construction, Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology, 066004, Qinhuangdao Hebei 066004, China)

Abstract: To explore the impact of subjective well-being on car commuters' travel mode choice, this paper analyzes the travel behavior of car commuters in Beijing in which their thought processes have been further divided into searching rules and decision rules. When commuter cost is about to change, machine learning algorithm is adopted to explore when the subjective well-being will be functioned. Using the correlation analysis, the paper also develops a structural equation model to discuss the impact of subjective well- being on travel mode choice and the measurement variables of subjective well- being. The results show that subjective well-being has a significant impact on replacing the existing travel mode in which subjective well-being includes commuting process satisfaction (0.73), driving happiness before scenario implementation (0.66), driving happiness changes after scenario implementation (-0.20). Overall, the paper provides a new perspective to formulate the transportation policy at psychological level.

Keywords: transportation planning; travel mode choice; car commuters; subjective well- being; machine learning; structural equation