2019年 第3期
云计算模型在智慧交通系统中的应用研究 ——以深圳市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)03-0048-05

(1.湖北中医药高等专科学校,湖北荆州434020;2.深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司,广东深圳 518000;3.深圳市都市交通规划设计研究院有限公司,广东深圳518000)

摘要: 为了缓解城市交通拥堵、保障交通安全、提升智慧交通管控水平,采用云计算模型与智慧交 通管理系统相结合的方法,构建智慧交通云系统结构框架。通过深圳智慧交通云服务平台的实际案 例应用,实证了云计算的超强计算能力、系统融合能力、信息集成能力、个性化服务能力等能弥补 目前智慧交通系统中子系统间共享困难、数据分析处理不及时、信息传递延迟等问题。提出加快研 究智慧交通云计算系统的推广应用,以便提升交通信息化管理水平、改善城市交通运行状况。

关键词: 智慧交通系统;云计算;云服务;大数据;深圳市

中图分类号: U491


Cloud Computing Model for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Case Study of Shenzhen

Zhang Aiguo1, FanWenqiang2, Zhang Yingya3
(1.Hubei College of Chinese Medicine, Jingzhou Hubei 434020, China; 2.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518000, China; 3.Shenzhen Design Center of Urban Transport Planning, Shenzhen Guangdong 518000, China)

Abstract: To mitigate urban traffic congestion, ensure traffic safety, and improve intelligent traffic control, this paper develops a framework of cloud-based Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) using cloud computing model and intelligent traffic management system. A case study conducted in intelligent transportation cloud platform in Shenzhen is presented to demonstrate the methodology applicability in effective computing, system fusion, information integration, and customized services, which are helpful in solving problems of existing ITS, such as difficulties in sharing among subsystems, delayed data analysis and information transmission. The paper promotes the application of cloud-based ITS in order to improve traffic informatization and urban traffic operation.

Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS); cloud computing; cloud platform; big data; Shenzhen