2019年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)04-0085-06

陆丽丽1, 2, 3,吴祖峰4,施斌峰5
(1.宁波大学海运学院,浙江宁波315211;2.现代城市交通技术江苏高校协同创新中心,江苏南京211100;3.国 家道路交通管理工程技术研究中心宁波大学分中心,浙江宁波315211;4.宁波市海曙区交通运输局,浙江宁 波315000;5.宁波市公安局交通警察局,浙江宁波315000)

摘要: 中国大中城市中心区停车难、乱停车等问题日益严峻。以浙江省宁波市为例,基于数据分 析,从停车供需和停车管理两个层面进行停车问题成因的系统分析。然后,进一步挖掘导致停车供 需矛盾突出的深层次原因以及停车管理不足的衍生危害。在总结停车问题的关键症结基础上,提出 以加强整治、有效管理、严控需求为主,适度增加供给为辅的停车问题解决思路。从提高停车成 本、加强宣传引导、开展道路违法停车整治、优化停车服务收费管理、调研和推行以库购车政策等 方面,提出具体对策。

关键词: 城市交通;停车问题;供需失衡;小区停车;停车管理;宁波市

中图分类号: U491.7


Parking Issues in Ningbo Central Area: Causes and Countermeasures

Lu Lili1, 2, 3,Wu Zufeng4, Shi Binfeng5
(1.Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University, Ningbo Zhejiang 315211, China; 2.Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Urban Traffic Technologies, Nanjing Jiangsu 211100, China; 3.National Traffic Management Engineering & Technology Research Center Ningbo University Sub-Center, Ningbo Zhejiang 315211, China; 4.Transport Ministry of Ningbo Haishu District, Ningbo Zhejiang 315000, China; 5.Ningbo Municipal Traffic Management Bureau, Ningbo Zhejiang 315000, China)

Abstract: Inadequate parking facilities and ineffective parking management have become an increasingly serious problem in urban central areas of medium-large cities in China. Taking Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province as an example, this paper discusses the causes of parking issues in the parking supply-demand and management based on data analysis. The deep-seated causes for the imbalanced parking supply and demand as well as the ineffective parking management are further extensively studied. By summarizing the critical parking issues, the paper proposes the solutions on strengthening enforcement, effective management, demand restriction, and increasing supply moderately. Finally, the paper offers the specific countermeasures such as increasing parking charge, well publicizing parking requirements, punishing illegal parking, optimizing parking fee collection system, and studying the possible policies on restricting vehicle purchase with parking space ownership, etc.

Keywords: urban transportation; parking issues; imbalanced supply and demand; residential parking; parking management; Ningbo