2019年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)06-0042-07


摘要: 在城市空间布局扩张、轨道交通加速成网,以及乘客对高品质公共交通出行需求日益增长的 背景下,对成都市公共汽车网络体系可达性与高效性提出了更高的要求。通过对轨道交通、BRT、 公共汽车客流数据的挖掘分析,以供给侧结构性改革为抓手,以提升乘客出行服务体验为目标,开 展成都市中心城区公共汽车线网优化工作。重点依托轨道交通及BRT走廊,构建了开放式BRT网 络、通勤大站快线一级微循环接驳网络的“两快一微”公共汽车快速网络体系。由此,进一步增强 了骨干公共交通的覆盖性及服务水平,形成功能层次清晰、线网高效衔接、运营协调互补的公共汽 车线网布局。

关键词: 公共汽车交通;BRT;轨道交通;通勤大站快线;微循环接驳

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Bus Rapid Network Development and Practice in Chengdu

Luo Hang, Li Cunnian, Chen Yang
(Nanjing Institute of City & Transport Planning Co., Ltd., Nanjing Jiangsu 210008, China)

Abstract: With the rapid urban space expansion and rail transit network, as well as and the increased passengers' need for high-quality public transportation, Chengdu public bus network system is facing higher demands for accessibility and efficiency. Based on the passenger travel analysis on rail transit, BRT and public bus services, Chengdu has optimized its bus line network in urban center area to improve passengers' service experience through supply-side system reform. Relying on the rail and BRT corridors, Chengdu has developed an open BRT network and rapid bus service network that facilitates the commuting express lines on major bus terminals linking with local smaller bus circulating lines. Such developments in Chengdu have greatly enhanced the public transit system's coverage and level of service, and made the public bus lines operating in clearly defined functional hierarchy with effective connections and better coordination.

Keywords: bus traffic; Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); rail transit; commuting express line; small bus circulating lines