2019年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)06-0049-06

(1. 重庆市公共交通控股(集团)有限公司,重庆401121;2.重庆市交通规划研究院,重庆400020)

摘要: 为缓解公共汽车客流下降趋势、提升公共汽车服务能力,以重庆市为例,探索应对措施。通 过挖掘“运营、服务、安全、机务”4 大体系数据资源,建立大数据融合分析体系,强化数据分析 和仿真能力,将公共汽车传统的粗放型管理转向精细化、数字化管理决策。通过优化调整轨道交通 沿线公共汽车线网、新增或改造公共汽车站,提升公共汽车换乘轨道交通的品质。建立多层级公共 汽车线网,以快速骨干线加社区巴士为主,实现市民“干路出行快、支线出行便”的目标,从技术 手段上提升公共汽车出行品质、增强出行吸引力。

关键词: 公共汽车;客运量;数据分析;交通仿真;精细化管理;重庆市

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Solutions to the Declining Bus Passenger Volume in Chongqing

Rao Minghua1, Zhou Tao2
(1.Chongqing Public Transport Group, Chongqing 401121, China; 2. Chongqing Transport Planning Institute, Chongqing 400020, China)

Abstract: To ease the downward trend in bus passenger volumes and improve bus system's level of services, this paper discusses the solutions to the decline through a case study in Chongqing. By exploring the data from four big information sources in bus system operation, services, safety, and maintenance, the paper introduces the development of a big-data-integrated analyzing system that can strengthen the capability of data analysis and simulation, transform the traditional coarse management style into the refined digitalized management and decision-making process. The paper demonstrates that how to enhance transfer serviceability between bus and rail transit through optimizing the bus networks along rail transit lines, and increasing or renovating bus stops. Focusing on arterial express bus and community bus lines, a multi-level bus network is established to promote effective and convenient travel of residents. These techniques are helpful in improving the quality of bus travel and increase the attractiveness of bus service.

Keywords: bus; passenger volume; data analysis; traffic simulation; detailed management; Chongqing