2019年 第6期
城市轨道交通接驳公共汽车线路规划 ——以武汉市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)06-0055-08


摘要: 针对公共交通接驳网络优化问题,通过设计蚁群算法,构建城市轨道交通接驳公共汽车网络 优化模型。该模型考虑公共汽车线路布局约束、乘客接驳需求以及公共汽车运能的相互约束,按照 城市道路级别对公共汽车站进行分级,提高公共汽车线路规划的灵活性。同时,根据模型特点设计 蚁群算法进行优化,提高模型收敛速度。以武汉市光谷广场地铁站周边接驳公共汽车网络为例,该 模型对既有网络进行了优化。结果表明:蚁群算法对分级公共汽车站接驳网络有明显的优化效果, 能够显著降低系统总成本。

关键词: 交通规划;接驳公共汽车;线路优化;蚁群算法

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Connecting Bus Lines to Urban Rail Transit: A Case Study of Wuhan

Lu Zechao, Liu Xia
(School of Physics and Information Engineering, Jianghan University,Wuhan Hubei 430056, China)

Abstract: To strengthen the linkages among public transit services, this paper proposes to an optimization model for connecting bus service network to urban rail transit network with an ant colony algorithm. By considering the constraints of bus network layout and restriction between passenger demand for transfer and bus capacity, the model divides bus stops into different levels based on urban roadway classification to improve the flexibility in bus routes planning. The paper also introduces how to use the ant colony algorithm to optimize the model, which can improves the rate of convergence. Taking the connecting bus network within the surrounding areas of Optics Valley Square subway station as example, the model demonstrates how the bus network optimization works. The result shows that the ant colony algorithm significantly improves the connecting capacity between the classification-based bus network and rail transit, which can reduce the system total cost.

Keywords: transportation planning; connecting bus; bus lines optimization; ant colony algorithm