2019年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)06-0111-06

(1.北京交通发展研究院城市交通运行仿真与决策支持北京市重点实验室,北京100073;2 南京市城市与交通规 划设计研究院股份有限公司北京分公司,北京100071)

摘要: 潮汐车道能有效增加高峰时段道路通行能力,缓解交通拥堵问题,应用广泛。基于国内外文 献综述,概括潮汐车道的分类、设置位置及设置长度等发展情况。以北京市紫竹院路车道沟桥—四 季青桥段潮汐车道为例,利用浮动车系统统计数据及现场GPS跟车调查等多源数据,对紫竹院路及 周边道路在潮汐车道实施前后的交通量、速度等变化情况进行全面评价。潮汐车道开通以后,紫竹 院路早高峰进城和晚高峰出城方向车速较之前均有提升,晚高峰速度提高更为显著,交通量基本持 平。其平行道路和相交道路的车速和交通量基本保持稳定,上下游道路交通量也变化不大。但由于 设置潮汐车道取消中间隔离护栏、改变道路交叉口交通组织后,路段上存在一些行人与车辆的安全 隐患以及道路资源利用不均衡的情况,需要对道路交叉口的交通组织、公交专用车道设置、交通管 理、交通引导及标志设置等方面进行合理调整。

关键词: 交通管理;潮汐车道;对比分析;交通调查;浮动车系统

中图分类号: U491.2+22


Evaluation of the Implementation Effect of the Central Reversible Lane on Zizhuyuan Road in Beijing

Chen Jing1, Liu Xuejie1, Yao Guangzheng2
(1.Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing Municipality Key Laboratory of Urban Traffic Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing 100073, China; 2.Beijing Branch, Nanjing Institute of City & Transport Planning Co., Ltd., Beijing 100071, China)

Abstract: Reversible lanes have been applied widely to increase road capacity and reduce traffic congestion during peak hours. Based on domestic and foreign literatures, this paper summarizes the classification, location, and length of reversible lanes. Taking the reversible lane on Zizhuyuan Road in Beijing as an example, this paper evaluates the change of the traffic flow and speed on Zizhuyuan Road and surrounding roads before and after the implementation of the reversible lane, based on multiple sources of data such as the floating vehicle data and GPS data. The evaluation results show that after the implementation of the reversible lane, the speed on Zizhuyuan Road increased in the inbound direction during morning peak hours, and increased even more significantly in the outbound direction during evening peak hours, while the traffic flow stayed about the same. The traffic flow and speed on parallel and intersecting roads were stable, and the traffic flow upstream and downstream of the studied segment did not change much. However, due to the implementation of the reversible lane, the median barriers were removed and the traffic organization at intersections were changed, which led to potential safety hazards to pedestrians and vehicles and caused the imbalance in the use of road resources. Therefore, reasonable adjustments are needed in areas such as traffic organization at intersections, implementation of bus-only lanes, traffic management, traffic guidance and the setting of signs..

Keywords: traffic management; reversible lanes; comparative analysis; traffic survey; floating vehicle system