2019年 第6期
旧城更新背景下的交通综合治理 ——中国城市交通发展论坛第23次研讨会

文章编号: 1672-5328(2019)06-0117-12

(1. 同济大学城市交通研究院,上海200092;2. 北京交通发展研究院,北京100073; 3. 广州市交通规划研究 院,广东广州510300;4. 深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心有限公司,广东深圳518000;5. 重庆城市交通研 究院有限责任公司,重庆401121;6. 中国城市规划设计研究院西部分院,重庆404100;7. 同济大学,上海 201804)

摘要: 为改善老城区的交通品质,研究旧城更新背景下如何实现交通治理与用地功能重构之间的协 同,中国城市交通发展论坛2019 年第3 次(总第23 次)研讨会于2019 年9 月5 日在重庆召开,本次会 议由重庆城市交通研究院有限责任公司、林同棪国际工程咨询(中国)有限公司、重庆市交通规划研 究院联合承办,会议主题为“旧城更新背景下的交通综合治理”。因篇幅有限,本刊编选部分专家 发言,以飨读者。

关键词: 交通治理;旧城更新;品质交通

中图分类号: U491


Comprehensive Transportation Improvement with Urban Redevelopment: Highlight of the 23rd Urban Transportation Development Forum in China

Chen Xiaohong1, Wang Ting2, Jing Guosheng3, Li Xinjun4, Yang Yuanxiang5, Sheng Zhiqian6, Wang Guangtao7
(1.Urban Mobility Institute,Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073, China; 3.Guangzhou Transport Planning Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510300, China; 4.Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning Center Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518000, China; 5.Chongqing City Communication Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401121, China; 6.Western Branch of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Chongqing 404100, China; 7.Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract: Aiming to improve the quality of transportation service in old towns and discuss how to coordinate the transportation improvement with land use redevelopment, the 23rd Urban Transportation Development Forum in China took place in Chongqing on September 5, 2019. Focusing on Comprehensive Transportation Improvement in context of Urban Redevelopment, the forum was organized by Chongqing Transport Planning Institute, T. Y. Lin International Engineering Consulting (China)Co., Ltd., and Chongqing Transport Planning and Research Institute. Due to the limited space, only selected expert speeches are published in this edition.

Keywords: comprehensive transportation improvement; urban redevelopment; high-quality transportation