2020年 第1期
基于实证研究的市域铁路发展思考 ——以成灌铁路为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)01-0024-07

(1. 成都市规划设计研究院,四川成都610041;2.中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,四川成都610031)

摘要: 中国已建成运营的市域铁路普遍存在功能定位模糊、在城市交通系统中发挥作用有限的问 题。以成灌铁路为研究对象,采用实证研究方法,以其不同阶段的客流特征为出发点,综合分析成 灌铁路的运行组织、铁路沿线城市发展、铁路与城市轨道交通的融合情况。提出市域铁路在规划建 设过程中应聚焦综合性功能,在线路及车站设置时应与城市功能充分融合,同时注重与城市轨道交 通无缝衔接,发挥最大效益。

关键词: 轨道交通;市域铁路;实证研究;客流特征;站城融合;成灌铁路

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Metropolitan Rail Service Development: A Case Study of Chengdu–Dujiangyan Rail Transit

Li Xing1, Tan Yue1, Xiang Lei1, Deng Shenxu2
(1.Chengdu Institute of Planning & Design, Chengdu Sichuan 610041, China; 2.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu Sichuan 610031, China)

Abstract: The common problems often existed in many built metropolitan rail transit services in China are the vaguely defined functionality and limited role in urban transportation system. Taking Chengdu–Dujiangyan rail transit service as an example, this paper comprehensively analyzes the rail line operation, development of cities along the rail line, and connection between the rail line and the urban rail transit system based on the collected information from various passenger flow levels. Based on the analysis results, the paper points out that the comprehensive nature of metropolitan rail transit functions should be addressed early in planning and construction stages. The position of metropolitan rail transit alignment and stations should be fully integrated with the urban functionalities. To maximize travel efficiency between two rail services, the inter-rail terminal should provide passenger friendly seamless transfer links.

Keywords: rail transit; metropolitan rail transit; empirical research; characteristics of passenger flow; station- city integration; Chengdu–Dujiangyan rail transit