2020年 第1期
机动车礼让行人背景下的交叉口交通分析 ——以上海市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)01-0065-10

(1. 同济大学中德交通研究中心,上海200092;2.上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院,上海200040)

摘要: 机动车礼让行人在提高行人过街安全性的同时,也可能造成通行延误问题。通过对上海市不 同类型交叉口的实地调查,总结交叉口的主要冲突情况及影响因素。运用可接受间隙的概念分析驾 驶人在交叉口的行为:约25%的驾驶人选择过度让行,这对交叉口通行效率有较大影响;约20%的 驾驶人以极小的可接受间隙穿越人流过街,这对交通安全有较大隐患。在此基础上,利用VISSIM 仿真确定不同行人流量、不同执法强度情况下,机动车因礼让行人造成的交叉口整体延误。结果表 明,延误程度与是否有独立左转相位、独立车道以及行人流量大小密切相关。结合国外先进案例, 从行人清空信号定义、行人绿灯早起、人行道形式、非机动车处理以及直右、直左车道的处理等五 方面提出改善建议。

关键词: 城市交通;礼让行人;交叉口设计;可接受间隙;VISSIM仿真;上海市

中图分类号: U491


Traffic Analysis at Intersections That Vehicles Must Yield the Right- of-Way to Pedestrians: A Case Study in Shanghai

Yu Xiaochen1, Chen Yili1, Shao Dan2
(1.Sino-German Transport Research Center, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2.Shanghai Urban Rural Construction and Transportation Development Research Institute, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract: The regulation of vehicles yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians at intersections can not only improve pedestrians' safety, but also cause traffic delay. By investigating at different types of intersections in Shanghai, this paper summarizes the main conflicts and influencing factors at intersections. The paper applies the concept of acceptable gap to analyze the behaviors of drivers at intersections. The results show that about 25% drivers choose to yield excessively, which reduces travel efficiency of vehicles at intersections significantly. Meanwhile, approximate 20% drivers cross pedestrian flows with an extremely small gap, which has a great impact for traffic safety. Based on the above results, the paper utilizes VISSIM-Simulation to determine overall delay at intersections caused by yielding to pedestrians under different pedestrian volume and traffic enforcement. The results show that the degree of delay is closely related to whether there is independent left-turning phase, independent traffic lane and pedestrian volume. Regarding the profound cases abroad, the paper provides improvement suggestions at five aspects: definition of pedestrian clearance light, advanced green light of pedestrian signal, forms of sidewalks, treatment of non-motorized vehicles, and straight-left and straight-right lanes design.

Keywords: urban transportation; yielding to pedestrians; intersection design; acceptable gap; VISSIMSimulation; Shanghai