2020年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)03-0001-08

刘东波1, 2,代磊磊2,华璟怡2
(1. 东南大学,江苏南京211189;2.公安部交通管理科学研究所,江苏无锡214151)

摘要: 针对日益严重的城市交通拥堵问题与新技术带来的发展机遇,探讨城市交通管控技术创新及 产业生态方面的发展路径。根据城市交通发展进程中新形势与新技术环境,分析城市交通治理的新 需求与新挑战。围绕应用工程技术规范交通行为、创新交通管控技术协同应用两大方面,提出可供 探索的技术方向及发展对策。其中,深化交通工程技术精细应用、塑造通行规则意识、规范引导交 通行为是前提,结合传统智能交通创新升级交通管控技术、实现深度协同应用是现实需要,追踪前 瞻技术构建稳健、融合、创新的推进路径是健康发展保障。最后指出,立足中国国情和交通技术、 产业发展实际,找准创新发展路径,才能实现更科学、更智慧的城市交通管控,为交通强国建设提 供有力支撑。

关键词: 交通管控;智能交通系统;车联网;数据规范共享;协同联控

中图分类号: U491


Innovative Development of Urban Traffic Management and Control Technologies

Liu Dongbo1, 2, Dai Leilei2, Hua Jingyi2
(1.Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211189, China; 2.Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security,Wuxi Jiangsu 214151, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the ever-worsening urban traffic congestion and the development opportunities brought by new technologies, this paper discusses the development opportunities of technology innovation and industrial ecology of the urban traffic management and control. Facing the new state of affairs and technologies in urban transportation development, the paper analyzes the contemporary demands for and challenges of urban transportation management. Utilizing the engineering technologies to adjust travel behaviors and enhance the coordinated application of innovative traffic management and control technologies, the paper proposes the development strategies. Among them, improving the detailed application of traffic engineering technologies, broadening the awareness of traffic rules, and guiding travel behaviors are the most fundamental actions. Innovating and upgrading traffic management and control technologies and achieving in-depth coordinated application based on traditional intelligent transportation are indispensable. And tracking new technologies and building a prudent, integrated and innovative approach is the power for sustainable development. Finally, the paper points out that only finding a right innovative development path that tailor to the national transportation conditions and development of technologies and industries in China, we can achieve more effective and intelligent urban transportation management and control and provide strong support to the development of a powerful transportation country.

Keywords: traffic management and control; intelligent transportation system; Internet of vehicles; data standards sharing; coordinated control