2020年 第3期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)03-0028-05


摘要: 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的爆发严重影响了城市正常运行,给国民经济造成巨大损失。随着疫 情趋于稳定,城市逐渐恢复正常运转,作为保障城市功能正常发挥的交通系统面临诸多挑战。北京 作为超大城市,人员流动频繁,受突发公共卫生事件影响的交通运行特征有别于以往。根据受疫情 影响的非常态下北京城市交通需求的变化,针对城市由非常态逐渐向常态转变的过渡时期,提出交 通管理应对措施。总结城市交通应对疫情的经验,从网络构建、交通资源分配、信息技术应用等方 面提出增强城市交通系统韧性的规划建议。

关键词: 交通规划;交通管理;非常态交通;疫情;北京市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Urban Transportation System Planning Under the COVID-19 Pandemic in Beijing

Li Shuang, Zhang Yu
(Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: The 2019 Coronavirus outbreak severely affected the operation of cities and caused huge losses to national economy. As the pandemic situation stabilizes, cities gradually return to normal operation, which presents great challenges for urban transportation system. As a megacity with a huge travel demand, Beijing's transportation characteristics under public health emergency is different from the past. Based on the travel demand changes in Beijing under the pandemic, this paper proposes the traffic management strategies for the city's transition from the abnormal to normal status. By summarizing the lessons learned during the pandemic, this paper proposes the new ideas in transportation planning to improve urban system resilience in several aspects: network development, transportation resource allocation, application of information technology, and etc.

Keywords: transportation planning; traffic management; abnormal transportation; pandemic; Beijing