2020年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)04-0013-09

(1. 浙江省城乡规划设计研究院,浙江杭州310030;2.浙江每日互动网络科技股份有限公司,浙江杭州310000)

摘要: 都市区是城市群圈域内部交通活动最活跃的部分,其交通一体化直接关系到都市区的运行效 率和未来发展。都市区中心城市之间的次级核心是都市区交通组织的转化界面和空间载体。以长三 角核心圈内的杭绍都市区为例,分析现状交通一体化存在的主要问题,并以次级核心为落脚点,厘 清杭绍都市区交通一体化的机理。近期基于次级核心诱发的跨界交通和货运交通,提出客货分离、 路网加密的交通提升策略。远期通过枢纽带动、轨道交通引领促进都市区交通运输结构转型,并针 对都市区一体化的体制机制提出对策与建议。

关键词: 次级核心;货运交通;都市区;交通运输结构;交通一体化;杭绍都市区

中图分类号: U491


Integrated Transportation Development in Hangzhou-Shaoxing Metropolitan Area from the Perspective of Secondary Core Area

Gao Ang1,Wang Jie1, Ding Mengtao2
(1.Zhejiang Urban & Rural Planning Design Institute, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310030, China; 2.Zhejiang Merit Interactive Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zhejiang 310000, China)

Abstract: Within a cluster of cities, metropolitan areas experience the most active internal transportation activities, where the transportation integration directly determines the traffic operating efficiency and future development. The secondary city between the core area and other cities within a cluster serves as the transportation interface that facilitates the various traffic flow in different directions. Taking Hangzhou-Shaoxing Metropolitan Areas within the Yangtze River Delta cluster as an example, this paper analyzes the major problems faced by transportation integration, as well as the mechanism of transportation integration based on the secondary core area. The paper proposes the short- term improvement strategies of separating passenger and freight transportation and increasing the density of road network considering the cross-boundary transportation and freight transportation induced by secondary core area. The paper proposes the long- term transportation structural transformation through terminals and rail transit development, along with the strategies of integrating transportation in metropolitan area.

Keywords: secondary core area; freight transportation; metropolitan area; transportation structure; integrated transportation; Hangzhou-Shaoxing Metropolitan Areas