2020年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)04-0030-08


摘要: 卡口车牌数据含有极其丰富的交通信息,可以获取传统调查方法无法获取的指标,是交通分 析的理想数据。提出卡口车牌数据用于交通拥堵分析的思路和方法,即通过卡口车牌数据获取路段 流量、转向流量、路段平均行程时间、车辆OD等指标,了解交通特征,进而有针对性地提出改善 方案。在原始数据预处理方面,提出基于路网拓扑结构和大数据思想的数据补全方法;在交通分析 方面,根据不同分析目的,将研究问题分为明确路径的轨迹分析、明确起(终)点的轨迹分析以及不 明确起终点的轨迹分析三类,并分别探讨了其适用性。最后,以千岛湖镇新安东路改造为例阐述具 体分析过程。

关键词: 交通工程;交通设计;大数据;卡口车牌数据;路网拓扑;交通拥堵

中图分类号: U491


Traffic Congestion Improvement Based on Vehicle License Plates Data at Checkpoints

Ma Zhu,Wu Xun, Chen Fulin
(Zhejiang Urban & Rural Planning Design Institute, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310030, China)

Abstract: Vehicle license plates data collected at checkpoints is ideal for traffic analysis because it contains lots of valuable information that is unobtainable with the traditional data collection methods. This paper proposes the traffic congestion analysis methods using license plate data to estimate traffic flow, turning volume, average travel time and vehicles' OD, which reveals traffic characteristics and thereby helps to develop the corresponding improvement measures. To handle the initial data processing, the paper proposes the complementary methods of big data based on the topological structure of roadway networks. According to different analysis objectives, the paper divides the research questions into track analysis for clear paths, track analysis with clear staring or ending points, and track analysis without starting and ending points, and then discusses their applicability. Finally, taking Xin'andong Road improvement in Qiandaohu Town as an example, the paper demonstrates the proposed analysis process.

Keywords: traffic engineering; transportation design; big data; vehicle license plate data collected at checkpoints; road network topology; traffic congestion