2020年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)04-0107-13


摘要: 二战之后,随着人口激增和小汽车普及,美国许多城市步入了快速郊区化和都市区化过程, 如何进行增长管理成为都市区发展的核心议题。华盛顿大都市区创造性地提出通过多模式走廊引导 都市区发展的模式。梳理华盛顿大都市区多模式走廊格局的建设过程,从大都市区和走廊两个层面 对发展成效进行评估,并分析发展过程中的政策影响。结果表明:1)多模式走廊是都市区发展过程 中有效的增长管理手段;2)多模式走廊建设过程中需要强有力的交通政策保障;3)交通构成和组织 方式是走廊模式的基础;4)不同走廊的特征取决于所在地方政府的走廊机制。最后,结合中国实际 情况对都市圈走廊规划建设提出若干建议。

关键词: 都市圈;多模式走廊;公共交通导向发展;增长管理;华盛顿大都市区

中图分类号: U491


Multimodal Corridor Development in Washington Metropolitan Area

(Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510290, China)

Abstract: The population explosion and spread of cars after the World War two made many American cities step into the rapid suburbanization and metropolitan time period, which puts the question of how to manage urban growth as the core issue of metropolitan area development. The Washington Metropolitan Area creatively proposed the shaping metropolitan area development with the multimodal transportation corridor development idea. By reviewing the historical development of multimodal corridors in the Washington Metropolitan Area, this paper evaluates the development of the metropolitan area and multimodal corridor, as well as the policy impacts in the developments. The results show that: 1) multimodal corridor is an effective growth management means for the metropolitan area development; 2) the development of multimodal corridor needs the strong support of transportation policies; 3) traffic composition and their OD distribution are the foundation for multimodal corridor development; 4) the local government impacts on the corridor development. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on metropolitan area corridor planning and development that tailors to Chinese characteristics.

Keywords: metropolitan area; multimodal corridor; Transit-Oriented Development; growth management; Washington Metropolitan Area