2020年 第5期
基于通勤大数据的城市职住分离度研究 ——《2020 年全国主要城市通勤监测报告》核心指标分析

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)05-0010-08

(1. 中国城市规划设计研究院,北京100037;2. 百度时代网络技术(北京)有限公司,北京100085;3. 北京当代科 旅规划建设研究中心,北京100037)

摘要: 为探索城市职住空间分布对通勤出行的影响,基于35 座中国大城市的通勤大数据,着重解 析职住分离度指标的内涵和统计特征。发现该指标与城市规模相关性不显著,受职住集聚分布格局 等因素影响较大,指标值的减小对实际通勤距离的缩短具有积极意义。基于职住分离度和过剩通勤 系数两项指标间的负相关特点,分别选取9 座城市作为代表城市,总结了重点空间单元的提取条件 和职住分离成因。最后,从就近安居、职住梯度布局、交通服务差别化三方面阐述大城市职住分离 度的优化对策。

关键词: 职住分离度;过剩通勤系数;大数据;通勤距离

中图分类号: U491


Urban Job-Residence Separation Based on Big Commuting Data: Analysis of Core Indicators in the 2020 Monitoring Report on National Commuting Report for Major Cities in China

Ran Jiangyu1, Fu Lingfeng1, Kan Changcheng2,Wu Sufeng1, Tian Sichen3
(1.China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Beijing 100037, China; 2.Baidu.com Times Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China; 3.Beijing Contemporary Science and Tourism Planning and Construction Research Center, Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: To study the impact of urban spatial distribution of population and employment on commuting travel, this paper analyzes the connotation and statistical characteristics of job- residence separation indicators based on the big commuting data of 35 major cities in China. It is found that the indicator is not significantly correlated with the scale of cities but is greatly affected by factors such as the distribution of population and employment. The reduction of the indicator value has a positive effect on shortening the actual commuting travel distance. In view of the negative correlation between jobresidence separation and excess commuting coefficient, the study selects nine cities as the representatives of urban areas to discuss the extraction conditions of key special unites and the causes of job-residence separation. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on improving job- residence separation in large cities in three aspects: coordination between residence and employment, gradient distribution of job and residence, and differentiation of transportation service.

Keywords: job-residence separation; excess commuting coefficient; big data; commuting travel distance