2020年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)05-0027-07


摘要: 职住空间分布是城市规划研究的热点问题之一。基于手机信令和互联网位置数据,提出城市 职住及其对应关系的计算方法,并以广州市为例测度职住平衡各指标。以64 个交通中区数据验证 职住空间分布与居民出行呈现明显关联性,得出以下结果:动态职住平衡率越高,交通流动性越 低,有利于交通拥堵治理;动态职住平衡率与静态职住比呈现倒“U”型关联,合理的静态职住比 应为0.55~0.60;就业密度对出行强度影响远大于人口密度。最后,提出组团平衡、新规划区合理职 住配比、就业疏散等规划理念,指导城市新区的规划建设工作。

关键词: 城市规划;职住平衡;大数据;出行强度;交通流动性;广州市

中图分类号: U491


Evaluation on Job-Housing Balance and Coordination in Guangzhou

Song Cheng, Jin An, Ma Xiaoyi, Chen Xianlong, Li Caixia
(Guangzhou Transport Planning Research Institute, Guangzhou Guangdong 510030, China)

Abstract: The job- housing spatial distribution is a popular topic among studies on urban planning. Based on cellular signaling data and location data, this paper puts forward a methodology to discuss job-housing spatial distribution, and taking Guangzhou as an example to evaluate the indicators of the job-housing balance. By analyzing the collected data of 64 traffic zones in Guangzhou, the paper concludes that the job-housing spatial distribution is significantly related to residents travel. The results show that the higher job-housing balance, the lower the traffic mobility, which is important for traffic congestion improvement. It implies an“inverted U”pattern for the relationship of dynamic and static job-housing balance ratio, and the reasonable static job-housing ratio should be located between 0.55 and 0.60. Employment density has a greater impact on travel intensity than population density. Finally, the paper proposes planning principles such as group travel balance, job-housing coordination, and employment decentralization to improve planning and construction in the new planning area.

Keywords: urban planning; job-housing balance; big data; travel intensity; traffic mobility; Guangzhou