2020年 第5期
基于需求方调查数据的城市货运特征研究 ——以北京市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)05-0091-07


摘要: 开展城市货运特征量化研究,旨在摸清货物运输需求规模、掌握运输结构特点和规律。基于 北京市2016 年货运需求特征调查,使用样本数据对货运总量和结构数据进行计算进而开展多维度 分析,地域范围覆盖六环高速公路以内地区。研究结果显示:北京市货运需求以居民日常生活物资 类为主,呈现显著的“输入型”特征,运入量达到运出量的2.6 倍;建筑物资运输大幅下降;运输 时间、运输方式、运输车型均与货物种类密切相关。提出城市规划建设时应充分考虑货运交通影 响,货车限行政策应根据货物种类区别对待,通过精细化管理确保必要通行,同时尽可能分散高峰 时期的交通压力。

关键词: 交通管理;城市货运;货运调查;货运需求;北京市

中图分类号: U491


Characteristics of Urban Freight Transportation Based on Demand- Side Survey Data: A Case Study in Beijing

Qin Fenfen, Chen Jianhua, Liu Zhenhua
(China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: This paper presents a quantitative study of urban freight transportation aiming to reveal the demand and characteristics of freight transportation. Based on the 2016 freight transportation demand survey in Beijing, the study estimates the total freight volume and shipping structure with a multi-dimensional analysis method, which covers the administrative area within the 6th Ring Road. The results show that Beijing's freight demand is dominated by commodities supporting residents' daily life, which makes the inbound volume 2.6 times higher than the outbound volume, a significant unbalanced “import” type of transport. The building materials transportation drops significantly. Transportation time, transportation means, and vehicle types are closely related to the types of goods. The paper points out that the impact of freight transportation should be fully considered in urban planning and construction while the traffic control policies on trucks should be differentiated based on the types of transporting goods. The paper urges to prioritize traffic with refined management to disperse the peak traffic pressure as much as possible.

Keywords: traffic management; urban freight transportation; freight survey; freight demand; Beijing