2020年 第5期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)05-0102-08


摘要: 新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,全国应急物资运输保障中出现了运输通道受阻、应急物资分拨不畅等 问题,暴露出中国的应急物资运输保障仍存在一定程度的不足。基于新冠肺炎疫情下应急物资运输 保障的特征和难点,解析此次应急物资运输保障中的经验及所暴露问题的深层次原因。指出既有交 通运输突发事件应急管理体系在面对重大突发疫情时存在不足之处:缺乏重大突发疫情下应急物资 运输保障特定需求的相关措施和专项预案,缺乏完善的将全社会运输资源进行有效组织的机制,缺 乏应急运输系统参与者的高效沟通协调机制,缺乏应急物流设施合理配置机制。在此基础上,提出 提升中国重大突发疫情下应急物资运输保障能力的基本对策,并从应急物流网络结构、节点设置、 运行机制和协同运作等方面研究了依托既有资源快速构建应急物流网络的方法。

关键词: 应急物资运输;运输保障体系;应急物流网络;新冠肺炎

中图分类号: U491


Strategies of Emergency Material Transportation Under Public Health Emergencies

Zhu Ye
(Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract: After the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the problems encountered by the national emergency material transportation, such as blocked transportation corridors and ineffective allocation of emergency materials, has revealed that some deficiencies exist in such work in China. Based on the characteristics and difficulties in emergency material transportation against the backdrop of COVID- 19 pandemic, this paper analyzes the emergency transportation experience and the causes of problems exposed. The paper points out the weaknesses of existing transportation emergency management system in dealing with major emergencies: 1) lack of relevant measures and special plans for emergency material transportation to ensure specific needs during pandemic; 2) without a well-developed mechanism to effectively organize transportation resources in the whole society; 3) short of mechanism for efficient communication, coordination and rational allocation of emergency logistics facilities. Finally, the paper provides suggestions on how to improve the capacity of emergency material transportation in China during pandemic, and discusses the methods to quickly develop an emergency logistics network in several aspects: emergency logistics network structure, node setting, operation mechanism and coordinated operation with existing resources.

Keywords: emergency transportation; transportation support system; emergency logistics network; COVID- 19