2020年 第6期
居住停车问题分析及治理策略研究 ——以北京市朝阳区L 社区为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)06-0037-08


摘要: 城市建成区内停车供给存在时空不均衡性。一方面建筑配建停车设施由于共享利用率低,存 在较大挖潜空间;另一方面居住小区配建车位闲置,而路内停车违法占道现象却较为严重。这种并 存现象也是众多大型社区停车问题的缩影。通过分析北京市停车供需现状及项目实例,指出路内停 车问题诱因及基层停车治理面临的普遍困境,包括政策机制局限、审批监管烦琐、经济属性模糊、 社会资本参与度低、公众参与意识薄弱等。结合社区整治提升及停车规划实践提出治理策略:近期 通过更新改造、社区治理、公众参与等方式推动停车设施的共享共治,缓解停车供需矛盾;远期在 新增立体集约式停车设施的同时,探索构建停车管理部门、社区利益相关方、停车投资运营方等多 方主体共同参与的停车治理平台。

关键词: 停车治理;经济属性;政策法规;社区决策;公众参与

中图分类号: U491


Parking Issues and Management Strategies for Residential Areas: A Case Study of L Community in Chaoyang District of Beijing

Pan Lu, Liu Chunyu, Cao Tianheng
(Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute, Beijing 100085, China)

Abstract: Parking supply in urban built-up area is unbalanced in time and space. The low utilization rate of parking facilities offers huge sharing potential while the illegal on-street parking is severe. This co-existing is common in many large-scale communities. By analyzing the current situation of parking supply and demand in Beijing and project examples, this paper analyzes the causes of on-street parking issues and common difficulties faced by parking management, including policy mechanism limitations, complicated approval procedures, fuzzy economic attributes, low participation of social capital and weak civic engagement. Based on the practice of parking management and planning in Beijing, the paper proposes parking management strategies in two aspects. To alleviate the imbalance between parking supply and demand, it is necessary to promote parking sharing and joint governance through renovation, community governance, public participation, and etc. Resident's self-governance and effective coordination of management departments, community stakeholders, market-oriented investment and operation platforms are also crucial to improve parking problems and management in new era.

Keywords: parking management; economic attributes; policy and regulations; community decision-making; public participation