2020年 第6期
停车改革促进老城复兴 ——以美国帕萨迪纳市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)06-0058-07

(1. 天津市渤海城市规划设计研究院,天津300451;2.同济大学,上海200092)

摘要: 美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的帕萨迪纳老城经历了“建立、繁荣、衰败、复兴”这样一个 典型的美国城市中心的发展过程。停车政策是造成老城衰败和复兴的重要因素之一。基于对帕萨迪 纳老城发展历史的概述,总结老城停车改革措施:1)在路外配建停车政策方面采取降低配建下限标 准、实施分区停车信用项目、在TOD区域折减配建标准、修改配建下限标准为上限标准;2)在路外 公共停车方面政府投资建设市政公共停车设施、鼓励私人停车设施公用;3)在路内停车方面进行收 费并将收入用于改善本地公共服务。进一步分析老城停车改革措施在停车位供给总量、利用率、财 务收支和地区经济等方面发挥的作用。建议对于早于小汽车使用而建成的老城地区,取消停车配建 下限标准,鼓励停车设施公用化、市场化,采取多维度思考老城停车问题,促进老城繁荣兴旺。

关键词: 停车改革;老城复兴;公用停车;停车配建下限标准;帕萨迪纳老城效益

中图分类号: U491


Parking Reform Revitalized the Old Downtown: A Case Study of Pasadena in the U.S.

Wang Xueyong1, Yuan Quan2, Liu Zhiming1, Shao Yong1
(1.Tianjin Bohai Urban Planning & Design Institute, Tianjin 300451, China; 2.Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: Old Pasadena, a town located in California, United States followed a typical pattern of downtown development trajectory: birth, growth, decline and revival, which has indicated parking policies are the major factors that contribute to both the decline and revival. By reviewing the historical background of Pasadena, this paper summarizes the measures the city adopted in its parking reform. In the reform, 1) the government reduces the off-street parking requirements, implement the zoning parking credit program, discount the requirements in Transit-Oriented Development districts, and shift the minimum requirements to maximum ones; 2) To better manage the off- street public parking, the city should invest to build the municipal public garages and encourage sharing private parking facilities to serve the public; 3) Charge for the on-street parking and then fund the public service. The paper analyzes the impacts of the parking reform on parking space supply, parking occupancy, municipal financial sustainability and local economic development. Finally, measures should be taken like removing minimum parking requirements, providing more public parking facilities and considering multiple dimensions to help revitalize old downtowns.

Keywords: parking reform; old town revitalization; public parking; minimum parking requirement; Old Pasadena