2020年 第6期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2020)06-0075-09


摘要: 随着杭州地铁线网逐步形成,搭乘人群日益多元化、需求愈发多样化,对无障碍设施、包容 性设计产生了极大的需求。从包容性设计的基本理论和设计原则出发,分析使用者特点,调查并总 结杭州地铁线路包容性设计现状。从水平空间和垂直空间两方面提出地铁包容性设计要点。利用情 景故事板构建包容性群体搭乘地铁的场景并进行情境分析,规划和展现视障者较为理想的地铁搭乘 流线及设计细节。最后,从政府、运营方、设计者等多元主体角度提出地铁包容性设计的优化策 略,以期达成社会层面的包容性共识。

关键词: 地铁包容性设计;使用者分析;故事板;情景分析;优化策略;杭州市

中图分类号: U491


Inclusive Design and Optimization Strategy of Hangzhou Subway

(Dongfang College, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Haining Zhejiang 314400, China)

Abstract: As the Hangzhou's subway network has begun to take shape, the composition and needs of service riders are becoming increasingly diversified, which generates a great demand for accessibility for all passengers and inclusive design. Based on the theories and design principles of inclusive design, this paper analyzes users' characteristics and investigates existing inclusive design of Hangzhou subway lines. The paper summarizes the key points of inclusive design from the subway's two dimensional, horizonal and vertical, perspectives. The scenario storyboards are used to simulate the inclusive subway operation and to conduct the detailed context analysis for providing ideal boarding services to visually impaired passengers. Finally, the paper proposes the improvement strategies for subway inclusive design from multiple subjects such as the government, operators, and designers aiming to reach a societal consensus on the inclusiveness service.

Keywords: inclusive design of subway; user analysis; storyboard; scenario analysis; improvement strategies; Hangzhou