2010年 第6期


[美]William Hendricks Bachman1 著,王新军2,3,4,苏海龙2,3,4,周 锐2,3 摘译
(1.佐治亚理工学院土木与环境工程学院地理信息中心,佐治亚 亚特兰大 30332,美国;2. 复旦大学城市规划与发展研究中心,上海 200433;3. 上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院,上海 200433;4. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 200433)

摘要:为解决大城市的空气污染问题,必须提出新的策略遏制快速城市化地区空气污染物的增加。MEASURE模型是服务于城市和区域评价的机动车排放评估系统,可为研究者和规划师提供一种评估机动车减排策略的新方法。以佐治亚州亚特兰大市一块面积为100 km2的研究区为例,探讨了该模型在机动车排放实证研究中的应用。结果表明,该模型可准确定位各交通小区和各级道路上的污染排放,实现污染排放的空间分析,加深人们对机动车排放的理解,为未来城镇土地利用总体规划和交通规划提供科学参考。

关键词:交通模型;地理信息系统; 排放模型; MEASURE模型



A GIS-Based Modal Model of Automobile Exhaust Emissions

Written by William Hendricks Bachman1, Translated by WANG Xin-jun2,3,4, SU Hai-long2,3,4, ZHOU Rui2,3
(1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Center for Geographic Information Systems Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia 30332, USA; 2. Urban Planning and Development Research Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 3. Urban Planning and Architectural Design Institute of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 4. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Abstract:To address these problems on environmental pollution, we must continually develop creative strategies to curb increased pollutant production. This paper introduces a computer model called MEASURE, the Mobile Emission Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation, which works towards a goal of providing researchers and planners with a means for assessing new mobile emission mitigation strategies. A demonstration of model operation is provided using a 100 km2 study area located in Atlanta, Georgia, to discuss its practical application of vehicle emissions. The results show that the model can accurately locate the levels of traffic pollution of different traffic zone and road, achieve the spatial analysis of pollution, deepen people's understanding of traffic and motor vehicle emissions, provide researchers with a new assessment method of the spatial distribution motor of vehicle emissions, and provide a scientific reference for future urban land-use and transportation planning.

Keywords:traffic model; GIS (Geographic Information System); emission model; MEASURE model