2010年 第3期



摘要:为促进城市公交行业的良 性发展,政府需要对公交企业加强 营运质量监管并采取有效、透明的 财政补贴策略,由此提出了信息化 背景下公交监管信息系统的研发 设计。首先,分析了公交服务质量 的影响因素,基于可比性条件重构 公交营运服务质量评价体系。然 后,解析公交企业收支平衡关系, 研究成本规制的决策内容和方 法。在上述基础上,设计面向政府 行业管理的公交监管信息系统功 能架构。最后,给出监管系统在公 交信息化平台体系中的接入位置及 与其他信息平台之间的互联关系。

关键词:公共交通;服务评价;成本 规制;决策支持;系统设计



Information System for Managing Urban Public Transit Service: Demand Analysis & Functional Design

TENG Jing, YANG Xiao-guang
(School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)

Abstract:To promote the positive urban public transit development cycle, a local government needs to effectively manage and monitor the public transit system, and makes the financial subsidizing policies efficient and transparent. For that purpose, this paper proposes an information system for managing public transit services in today’s information age. First, the paper analyzes the factors that influence performance of a public transit service, develops a performance evaluation system for public transit services based on comparable indices, and then reveals the balancing relationship between revenue and cost for public transit system and studies the decision-making method in the cost planning. With the results from the above work, the paper introduces the information system for managing public transit services that is designed for government agencies in charge of public transit services. Lastly, the paper outlines the position of this public transit information system in the overall public information system platform and the relationship between this system and other data systems.

Keywords:public transit; service evaluation; cost planning; decision- making support; system design