2021年 第3期
论20 年来交通法学研究方法之特征与流变 ——多元研究范式的学术史考察

文章编号: 1672-5328(2021)03-0031-11


摘要: 20 年来,随着规范法学对交通现实问题回应愈发疲软,交通法学经历了从法教义学的闭环到 法社会学的交叉研究的范式变迁。管理学的理论供给引领交通治理模式升级转型,社会协同治理、 “大交通”执法模式应运而生。信息技术、医学、微电子学、环境学等自然科学研究方法从立法需 求面向的碎片化摘取,走向交通法学研究方法论层面的全面进驻。心理学、比较法学、女性主义法 学为交通法学的蓬勃发展供给了丰沛的理论支持,交通法学交叉学科的研究优势全面彰显。交通法 学从规范导向的“部门法”走向问题导向的“综合法”,突破法学学科体系的壁垒,走向多学科融 贯研究进路。随着交通技术极速发展,“人之尊严”的保障需求呼唤法哲学研究方法的回归。

关键词: 交通治理;交通法;法学研究方法;社会法学;科学技术法学;综合法

中图分类号: U491


Characteristics and Evolution of Traffic Law Research Methods in Twenty Years: Study of Academic History Based on Multiple Research Paradigm

Lu Hanzhi
(Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)

Abstract: n the past two decades, with the increasingly weak response of normative law to traffic reality problems, traffic law has experienced a paradigm change from the closed-loop of dogmatics of law to the cross research of legal sociology. The management theory leads to the upgrading and transformation of traffic governance mode, while social collaborative governance and“big traffic”law enforcement mode emerge as required. Information technology, medicine, microelectronics, environmental science, and other natural science research methods developed from the legislative demand of the oriented fragmentation to the legal research methodology level in full. Psychology, comparative law, and feminist law provide abundant theoretical support for the vigorous development of traffic law. The interdisciplinary research advantages of traffic law are fully demonstrated. Traffic law has changed from the standard- oriented “department law” to a problem- oriented “comprehensive law”, breaking through the barriers of the legal discipline system, and moving towards a multi-disciplinary research approach. With the rapid development of transportation technology, the demand for the protection of human dignity calls for the return of legal philosophy research methods.

Keywords: transportation management; traffic law; legal research methods; social science law; science & technology law; comprehensive law