2021年 第3期
基于多源大数据的实时公共交通服务指数研究 ——以天津市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2021)03-0085-09

蒋寅1, 2,薛文3,安睿2,贾国洋3,杜鹏2
(1. 东南大学交通学院,江苏南京211189;2. 天津市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司,天津300392;3. 天津市智 能交通运行监测中心,天津300250)

摘要: 为丰富、完善现有公交都市评价体系和考核手段,应用多源大数据,提出城市级公共交通实 时评价指数的整体框架。该框架由竞争指数、可达指数、延误指数和可靠指数构成公共交通服务总 指数。每个指数的计算指标分别为公共交通与小汽车出行时间比、步行到站时间与候车时间、公共 交通实际出行时间与自由流状态下出行时间比以及车站区间行程时间波动范围。以天津市公共汽车 线路与站点信息、公共汽车GPS数据、出租汽车与共享单车出行数据以及互联网等多源大数据为基 础,建立实时公共交通服务指数分析系统,剖析公共交通服务指数在规划、运营与管理中的重要作 用,验证指数的可行性与实用性。

关键词: 公共交通;公交都市;公共交通服务指数;大数据;服务评价;天津市

中图分类号: U491.1+7


Real-Time Public Transit Service Index Based on Multi-Dimensional Data: A Case Study of Tianjin

Jiang Yin1, 2, XueWen3, An Rui2, Jia Guoyang3, Du Peng2
(1. School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 211189, China; 2. Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute, Tianjin 300392, China; 3. Tianjin Intelligent Transportation Operation Monitoring Center, Tianjin 300250, China)

Abstract: In order to enrich and improve existing evaluation systems and appraisal methods of transitoriented cities, this paper develops a real-time transit service index system using multi-dimensional data. The system is combined with four core calculation indexes, namely competition index, accesibility index, delay index, and reliability index, which are weighted to reflect the comprehensive public transit service index. The calculation parameters of each index are travel time ratio of transit to car, walking time to stations and waiting time, the ratio of transit actual travel time to the travel time under free flow, and the travel time fluctuation degree inter- station, respectively. Based on the information of Tianjin bus routes and stations, bus GPS data, taxi, and shared bike, Internet and other multi-demensional big data, the paper establishes a real-time transit service index analysis system in the planning, operation and management, and verifies the feasibility and practicability of the indexes.

Keywords: public transit; transit-oriented cities; public transit service index; big data; service evaluation; Tianjin