2021年 第4期

文章编号: 1672-5328(2021)04-0041-07

孙玲1, 2,张颖达1, 2,刘雪杰1, 2,祝超3
(1. 北京交通发展研究院,北京100073;2. 城市交通运行仿真与决策支持北京市重点实验室,北京100073;3. 北 京三快在线科技有限公司,北京100029)

摘要: 赛事专用道路网络是保障大型体育赛事活动交通参与者出行时间可靠性和便利性的有效措 施,也是国内外的惯例做法。通过梳理大型体育赛事专用道路设置的具体做法,明确赛事专用道路 的规划原则。提出赛事专用道路网络规划的一般步骤和方法:服务对象分析、起讫点区位分析、路 径选择、设置类型选择、仿真评估、方案优化调整,并提出运营管理中需要考虑的要点。应在确保 满足赛事需求的同时,避免过多干扰城市公共交通及社会交通的运行;同时做好与城市公交专用车 道的协同融合管理以及赛事专用道路启用时间的灵活管理。

关键词: 大型体育赛事;赛事专用道路;规划方法;仿真评估;奥运会

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Designated Road Network Planning for Major Sports Events

Sun Ling1, 2, Zhang Yingda1, 2, Liu Xuejie1, 2, Zhu Chao3
(1. Beijing Transport Institute, Beijing 100073, China; 2. Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Urban Transportation Operation Simulation and Decision Support, Beijing 100073, China; 3. Beijing Sankuai Online Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: Designated road network can effectively ensure travel reliability and convenience at major sports events, which is common both at home and abroad. By reviewing the practice in different major sports events, this paper summarizes the planning principles of designated road network. The planning method for the designated road network is proposed, which includes the service objects analysis, travel origin and destination analysis, route selection, roadway type selection, simulation evaluation, and design optimization and adjustment. Key points that need to be considered in operation management are also discussed. The paper points out that the designated road network planning needs to meet the event demand while avoiding excessive disturbance to urban public transit and normal city traffic. It is important to promote integrated management on exclusive bus lanes and designated routes on urban roadways.

Keywords: major sports events; designated road; planning methods; simulation evaluation; Olympic Games