2022年 第2期
超大城市轨道交通与空间协同发展策略 ——以北京市为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2022)02-0021-07

(1. 北京艾威爱交通咨询有限公司,北京100045;2.北京市城市规划设计研究院,北京100045)

摘要: 北京市处于非首都功能疏解的城市转型关键期,城市建设亟待从均质蔓延式扩张向集约式簇 轴发展转变。轨道交通作为城市发展转型的重要抓手,在城市空间结构优化调整中的作用愈发凸 显。以北京市为例,研究超大城市轨道交通与城市空间协同发展模式。从超大城市空间发展与轨道 交通布局的协调性入手,总结国际大城市发展经验及规律,分析北京市轨道交通与城市空间发展的 协同性不足问题。立足非首都功能疏解、减量提质的发展要求,提出从“面、廊、点”三个维度构 建空间协同体系,具体协同发展策略包括中心地区提供面状覆盖式服务、外围地区提供廊道式服 务,构建“枢纽群+廊道”的空间组织模式。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;空间协同;发展模式;廊道;枢纽群;北京市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Strategies for Coordinated Development of Rail Transit and Urban Space in Megacities: Case Study of Beijing

RU Xianghui1, YANG Zhigang2, ZHENG Meng2, Yao Zhisheng2
(1. MVA Beijing Transport Consultants, Beijing 100045, China; 2. Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)

Abstract: With Beijing going through a crucial period of distributing its non-capital functions under urban transformation, it is imperative for the city to shift from sprawl construction to an intensive and clusteredbased development. As an important driving force for urban transformation, rail transit plays an increasingly prominent role in the optimization of urban spatial pattern. Taking Beijing as an example, this paper includes discussion of strategies for coordinated development of rail transit and urban space in megacities. Focusing on the coordination between urban spatial development and rail transit network in megacities, this paper summarizes the development practices in international megacities and analyzes the issue of insufficient coordination between rail transit and urban spatial development in Beijing. The paper proposes a spatial coordination system with three dimensions of area, corridor, and point to meet the development needs for distributing non-capital functions, reducing volumes, and enhancing quality. The coordinated development strategies include providing rail transit services with high coverage in central areas, providing rail transit services along corridors in suburban areas, and creating a spatial organization model featuring “hub cluster + corridor”.

Keywords: urban rail transit; spatial coordination; development model; corridor; hub cluster; Beijing