2022年 第2期
城市轨道交通市域快线规划评估 ——以深圳地铁6 号线为例

文章编号: 1672-5328(2022)02-0028-13

(1. 深圳市地铁集团有限公司,广东深圳518034;2. 深圳市规划国土发展研究中心,广东深圳518034)

摘要: 城市轨道交通市域快线在城市空间扩张、区域协调发展的背景下愈发得到重视。对实践案例 进行评估分析,有助于破解市域快线规划功能和布局方面的争议。构建具有普适性的市域快线规划 评估框架和指标体系,并以深圳地铁6 号线为例,对市域快线的规划功能和布局进行评估。评估结 果显示,6 号线一方面缓解了既有轨道交通网络的运行压力,有效带动了轨道交通沿线商业、办公 类的城市开发;另一方面快速功能未能充分凸显,虽然提升了外围新城至中心城区客流的公共交通 出行比例,但客流量和出行分布特征与预期存在一定差异。建议坚守“1 小时门到门”时间目标、 推行“骨干快线+接驳网络”模式,优化城市轨道交通市域快线在中心城区的布局,并充分关注除 市域快线外其他城市要素对于支撑外围次中心发展的作用。

关键词: 城市轨道交通;市域快线;规划评估;规划布局;深圳市

中图分类号: U491.1+2


Evaluation on Urban Rapid Rail Transit Line Planning: Study on Shenzhen Metro Line 6

SUN Yonghai1,WANG Qiaochu2, YIN Jiajun2, YANG Xinyi2
(1. Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China; 2. Shenzhen Urban Planning & Land Resource Research Center, Shenzhen Guangdong 518034, China)

Abstract: In the context of urban sprawl and regional coordinated development, the urban rapid rail transit line has been paid much more attention. The evaluation and analysis of practiced cases could contribute to solving the disputes regarding the planning function and layout of urban rapid rail transit line. This paper establishes an evaluation framework and index system for urban rapid rail transit line planning and takes Shenzhen Metro Line 6 as an example to evaluate the planning function and layout. The evaluation results show that, on the one hand, Metro Line 6 alleviates the operation pressure of the existing rail transit system and effectively drives the commercial and office urban development along the rail transit line; On the other hand, its rapid function has not been fully highlighted. Although it has increased the public transportation travel mode share from the peripheral areas to central urban areas, the ridership and travel distribution characteristics are different from expectations. More suggestions are provided according to these findings, including adhering to the time target of“door to door in one hour”, implementing the“backbone rapid lines + connecting network”mode, and optimizing the layout of urban rapid rail transit lines in central urban areas. It is also suggested to pay full attention to the role of other urban elements in supporting the development of peripheral sub-centers except for rapid rail transit lines.

Keywords: urban rail transit; urban rapid rail transit line; planning evaluation; planning layout; Shenzhen